
Friday, March 7, 2014

Puzzles and Quilts

Baby Boy Rag Quilt 004

If I had to pick two words to describe my winter I would have to go with “puzzles” and “quilts”. 

Baby Boy Quilt 014

I’ve been obsessed with jigsaw puzzles and have completed 5 in the last few weeks and I have also been working like crazy on a couple of rag quilts.  And purchasing way too much fabric for the rag quilts I am assembling in my head. : )

This is my latest completed quilt.  It’s a bit harder to find cute fabrics for little boys but I fell in love with this lizard printed fabric and those lime green argyles and knew I had to make a quilt! 

I really shouldn’t complain about the winter…..for the most part we have gotten off lucky when it comes to the snow and ice.  Nothing like my friends and family are having to deal with back up North and in Michigan.  But it still has kept me indoors a little bit more than I would like.  So…..there have been a lot of puzzles and quilts filling my evenings lately. 

Baby Boy Quilt 004

Here are the fabrics I picked out for my new baby boy quilt.  The orange zig zag fabric really complemented the colors in the lizard fabric but I didn’t have as much of it as I wanted so I saved it and will use it in another quilt that I already have in progress. 

Loved the colors in this one.  I will refrain from doing yet another tutorial on how this one was made.  But if you are new to my blog and would like to know how I did it or see some of my other rag quilts, just do a search of my blog by typing in the words “rag quilts” in the search bar located on my sidebar. 

Baby Boy Rag Quilt 002

I am very happy with this one!  And pay no attention to that stack of books off to the side.  Those are simply a distraction or possibly the next obsession once the “puzzles and quilts” phase subsides. 

Puzzles 001

And besides…instead of real reading….I substituted this Best Sellers Puzzle.  (My first 1000 piece puzzle.)

Kind of like reading a book right?