

In the summertime, I like to make pickles.  Dill Pickle Chips are my specialty.  They are made with garlic and dill and they are crisp and delicious.  When I can, I like to grow my own cucumbers but with a garden that is infested with Bermuda grass....the most evil plant on the planet if you ask me...that doesn't always happen. 
Thank goodness we have such a great farmer's market here in Greensboro, NC where I can buy them when I need them.

I have fans when it comes to my pickles and I am happy to share.  Just give me back my jars and you get to stay on the list for next year.   I even have one pickle fan who pays me with Starbucks gift cards.  A fair trade indeed. 
And he always gives me back my jars.
Want to learn how to make a batch for yourself?  Here's the link:
Dill Pickle Chips

Need some pickle labels?   These are available for free from The Graphics Fairy!