
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Julie and Julia

This is a photo of the replica of Julia Child's kitchen used in the film Julie and Julia.

I have been waiting most of the summer for the movie Julie and Julia to come out and finally saw it today. My husband gets bonus brownie points for going with me and sitting in a theater of mostly women. But even he enjoyed it. And I absolutly loved it. Meryl Streep is amazing and she captured what Julia Child must have really been like. She had such joie de vive and the thing I remember most about her was not how incredibly tall she was but how her voice warbled. When I was a kid I was amazed that an adult really talked like that. I equate her strange voice with the extremeness of the voice of Truman Capote. Either of their voices alone would stop you in your tracks. I do remember Julia Child being on the Public TV station when I was growing up and watching her every now and then.

Last year I was on a kick of reading a lot of biographies and Julia Child's "My Life In France" was one of them. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about her love for her husband Paul and the life they shared. (By the way, in the movie her husband Paul is played by Stanley Tucci and he was perfect for the really believed they loved each other dearly.) Earlier this year I picked up Julie Powell's book "Julie & Julia" where she tells about her "project" to make every one of Julia's recipes in the Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook. Lots of duck, liver, beef, aspic, eggs cream and butter. No Thanks! Beef Bourginon...yes please! She blogged as she worked her way through 524 recipes in 365 day and turned it all into a book which is now the movie. Amazing. And, oh, Amy Adam's plays Julie Powell in the film and does a great job. She is really a great actress. (Did any of you see her in "June Bug"?)


  1. What a great looking kitchen! I am dying to see that movie!


  2. Yes, the movie is very entertaining and that kitchen was also moved piece by piece and is on display at the Smithsonian. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Just saw "Julie and Julia" last night for our office ladies night out. What fun- we loved the movie.

  4. Thanks for stopping by Gina! I'll bet you had a fun evening watching that movie with the girls. I couldn't wait for the girls so I dragged my husband but he actually really liked it too.

  5. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by my blog. I just did a post about painting a harlequin inspired pattern on your wall. Scanning your blog, I think it would be right up your alley.

    Wasn't that movie charming?
