
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally Fall

It is officially Fall at our house. I have my pumpkins and they are nice ones! Last year the dog chewed the stems off so I have to watch her this year. I love a pumpkin with a good stem. I spend a lot of time picking out just the right ones and the look of the stem is a very important part of the decision making process! I am looking to keep them until Thanksgiving. I am usually able to do that if I don't carve them on Halloween. I'll pick up some other ones for carving.

And here they are peeking through the Crepe Myrtles.

Cooler weather predicted for tomorrow. It's 85 degrees today but tomorrow we should enjoy some 70's. That will be a treat!


  1. Ha! I had to laugh at your comment about the dog chewing off the stems. One Easter I colored eggs and hid them in my yard early Easter morning for the kids to find. I'm out there with them while they are looking and my dog saunters by with pink and blue around her mouth. The kids can't find any eggs. The stupid dog ate all but 2 of the eggs I had colored and hid!

  2. Ooohh Fall is in the air! Your pumpkins are perfect. The stems are important! I haven't purchased mine yet...but hope to do that this week. I've done some Fall decorating inside and started with a few things I need mums and pumpkins! You've inspired me to finish. Thanks for sharing. I need to get back to regular blog posts. Life's been a little hectic for me. Blessings!

  3. It's in the 70s here which is much cooler than normal. We love it! Haven't seen any pumpkins around town yet. We normally don't get them until October here. I can't wait!
