
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3 Little Bits of Randomness

I saw a license plate this morning that said: "LatteDa". That made the coffee drinker in me smile.

I saw a "Hoarder" today in the parking lot of the Harris Teeter. It was unbelievable and incredibly sad. She had a nice looking red Jeep Cherokee but it was filled inside top to bottom with garbage and stuff. She had more bags of bags and paper that she was trying to fit in her car. The thing is....even her driver seat was filled. And when I say filled I mean floor to ceiling. I was in the store over an hour and when I came back out she was still there trying to fit more useless stuff in her car. And then I saw later in the day that Oprah is doing a show on Hoarders tomorrow. Made me very sad.

I am starting a list of the funny Southern expressions that I come across. I heard this one yesterday and it made me laugh. "How are you?" "Why I am as fine as hair on a frog!" :)


  1. Have you seen the show Hoarders? I used to think it was just laziness created such messes--now I see how it really is a symptom of deeper problems or illnesses. What a shame that the gal you observed seemed to be proud of her condition.

  2. "I'm as fine as frog's hair." is how we say it. :) My husband and his family collect and use interesting language. I'll try to remember to pass some to you.

    I see people who have vehicles full of things that are hoarded too. I had a friend who suffered with the problem. She did get help when it became critical and is so much better. For her, it had to do with perfectionism and depression. I don't think they are proud of it, they just don't know how to change it.

  3. She wasn't acting proud....she actually seem quite troubled about how she was going to fit more in her car....which I didn't think was possible. There was no room for her sit and drive. Not sure how she got herself to that parking lot....and how dangerous for herself and other when she does drive. The windows were covered. Very troubling.

  4. I am from the south and I love all of our sayings. Yesterday I saw the preview of the show on hoarders and my son said 'mom, you are going to scratch your head off.' That is what I do when things make me nervous and I can't stand a bunch of stuff. I am going to watch the show anyway. I can't believe that people live like that.

  5. Have you ever heard the southern saying..."It's hotter out here than a billy goats butt in a hot pepper patch"? or "Don't count your chickens before they hatch"? Just thought I'd share...Robyn

  6. I have German friends moving to Chattanooga, so any southern idioms you can think of, please pass them on. I told her to watch Dr. Phil cuz he has TONS of them. Half the time I don't know what he is talking about! LOL! They just got used to Michigan accents and now they have to get used to southern. When they went down to look for a house, they said it was really hard to understand the realtor. I think it will be fun if they pick up a bit of a southern accent with their German accents. I may not understand them though! LOL!
