
Monday, October 26, 2009

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Streusel Cake

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I have an older copy of Bon Appétit Magazine from May of 2001 and the whole issue is dedicated to living and eating in Paris, France. Each time I read this issue I find something new. Fifi Flowers recognized the magazine in my photograph of My Goodwill Magazine Rack because she kept that same copy too! This is a great issue. I am not sure if Bon Appétit is still doing this but for many years they would dedicate the whole May issue to one country or city and it’s cuisine. I kept several including the Italy and Greece issue. Of course my favorite is the Paris issue. Do you keep old magazines??? While browsing my copy (I feel like maybe I should store it in an archival bag and wear fine cotton gloves when I look at it now to help preserve it! :)) I found the following recipe for Chocolate and Peanut Butter Streusel Cake. Now this is a surprisingly AMERICAN cake recipe but there it was on page 226 of their “Too Busy to Cook” section. This is quick and easy and I would have to guess that it was put in the magazine for all those crazy expats who were missing a taste of “The States” while living in Paris. Oh, to have have such problems! Anyway, this is very good and I am beginning to think that I like anything with the word streusel in it. And the bonus for me is that 10th Grade Son who is very picky (even when it comes to cakes) loves peanut butter and chocolate. And I have some “real” French recipes from this magazine that I still want to try so I will post some of them at a later date.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Streusel Cake

2 1/4 cups all purpose flour

2 cups (packed) golden brown sugar

1 cup creamy peanut butter

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature

3 large eggs

1 cup whole milk

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. baking soda

1 12 ounce package semisweet chocolate chips (2 cups)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 13x9x2 inch metal baking pan. Combine first 4 ingredients in a a large bowl. Beat on low speed until streusel is blended and crumbly. Transfer 1 cup lightly packed streusel to small bowl and reserve. Add eggs, milk, vanilla, baking powder and baking soda to remaining streusel in large bowl. Beat at low speed until evenly moist. Increase speed to medium and beat until well blended, scraping bowl occasionally, about 3 minutes. Stir i 1 cups chips. Transfer batter to prepared pan. Sprinkle with reserved 1 cup streusel and remaining 1 cup chips. Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Cool cake in pan on rack. Makes 12 servings.


  1. Yum.....looks wonderful! Trick or Treat~~~~~Happy Halloween:)

  2. I am now on a quest to find this old copy of the magazine

  3. Looks lovely! My sister, the peanut butter/chocolate queen, would love this! I'll be visiting with her in early December to help after she gives birth for the first time, this recipe might have to come with me in my suitcase! :)


  4. This is right up my husband's alley!


  5. This sounds wonderful. I'm a fool for the chocolate peanut butter combo. I hope you are having a wonderful Foodie Friday.

  6. Sounds GREAT!!! I love peanut butter and chocolate combo.

  7. This can make any event and dinner party more special,however i think it will look more presentable and yummier on slate plate. can someone recommend, where i can get these plates in different sizes?
