
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bright Red Geraniums In Big Black Pots

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I don’t know what I did to deserve such beautiful Geraniums this year! They were big and bushy and I had tons of blooms. And unbelievably to me, this is how beautiful they still are and it is November!! The remnants of Hurricane Ida started blowing through here yesterday and today it is cold, windy, and rainy. Last night we brought all the pots off of the front porch in so that Ida could not tear them apart.

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I have them sitting in the front window of our living room converted to an office. I wish I had a hot house to keep them in for the winter. Are there any gardeners out there who have had luck keeping geraniums alive through the winter????

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I buy my geraniums at a great family owned Nursery in Brown’s Summit here in NC called A and A Plants usually near the end of April each spring. I always have great luck with them but this year they were exceptional. I planted them in Miracle Grow Potting Mix and our summer was not as hot as it sometimes is and believe it or not I don’t think I watered them as much as the previous year. Go figure!

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Here is one of the pots next to my front door.

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They look so pretty sitting in the front window.

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I just hate the thought of loosing them them to the winter time! I have heard that you can winter them over…that they go somewhat dormant…and you can keep them alive in your garage in the winter. They will look like they are dead but come springtime when you move them back outside they will spring back. Does anybody know if that is true?

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My geraniums are protected from Hurricane Ida for today. Tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and in the 60’s so I’ll be able to move them back to the front porch tomorrow. But sadly I think their days are numbered! :(


I am also linking up to Outdoor Wednesday over at A Southern Day Dreamer. Stop by for some fresh air!


  1. What gorgeous flowers!!! Geraniums are one of my favorites...and thered is so yummy!!!


    If you get a minute...head over to my blog and check out my giveaway...I think you will like it...ther is a little red involved;)!!!

  2. What absolutely bright and wonderful blooms as winter approaches. No wonder you want to preserve them for next year. My geraniums,in Daly City, CA, a San Francisco suburb, bloom all year, though less so in the winter. The plants are years old. I do nothing special but ignore them, for the most part, sometimes cut them back a bit.

  3. They are beautiful, Lisa! I love geraniums, as well, but I usually go for the pinks. I had also heard {years ago} that you could overwinter them and I think one of the things you have to do is cut them down. I believe they will still need sun and water, so even if you put them in the garage, you would have to bring them out.

  4. Stunning!! I have never tried to winter them over, but have heard of others who have!

    I hope you can!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. You certainly must have a green thumb to grow such lovely geraniums. Good thing you brought them in before the winds came. Nice Outdoor Wednesday post.
    Joyce M

  6. Gorgoeus flowers, I have never had Geraniums before. After seeing your lovely photos I am going to have try them next year.

  7. Gorgeous! Red geraniums have always been on my "favorites" list.


  8. Lovely geraniums. They are one of my favorite pick me up flowers.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Sorry I haven't gotten back to your before as I have had company and then went out of town myself.

    I have not tried it, but I read where you pull up your geraniums, shake the dirt off and hang them up on a clothesline in the basement. You can plant them again in the spring and over 50% will come back. I don't remember what they said about if or when you would cut them back. Those sure are pretty. It's worth a try. Good luck.

  10. Hello Lisa,

    Your geraniums are beautiful! I love red geraniums. They are such a bright and happy flower. They also bring back great memories. My grandmother had huge stone pots on the stairs leading up to her front porch and I remember sitting on the stairs as a little girl chatting with her while she was pruning them.

    Thank you for sharing them with us!

    ~ Tracy

  11. Red Geraniums are my favorite for window boxes!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Oh my goodness! Your geraniums are stunning! Could you possibly shelter them in your garage or in the house somewhere? They are worth a try. I have a friend who kept hers in the garage over the winters here in Oklahoma City and she was successful. I've never tried it.

  14. My German friend has wintered her Geraniums in the garage and has had great success. She says they have to be watered a couple of times during the winter.

  15. Gorgeous! I adore red geraniums! They are so bright and cheerful!!!

    Jane (artfully graced)

  16. I love geraniums. I always have good luck with them. (but that was in Florida.) I don't know what grows up here in northern KY. I do think that you can water them some and keep the tops pinched off and they will come back. Give it a try. They are worth the trouble. They are beautiful.
