
Monday, November 9, 2009

My New Dessert Stand (and Giveaway)

Dessert Stand Project 007

Yesterday when I was at Goodwill I saw a plate and dome set sitting on the shelf and thought about it but it was $4.99 and after all I was at Goodwill…I didn’t want to pay that much for it. After I got home and I was browsing around I saw several posts over at the Shanty 2 Chic blog where everyone was participating in their “I did it with Gorilla Glue party last week. There were several posts on how other bloggers had used Gorilla Glue to create dessert plates. I wanted to make a Pedestal Dessert Stand too. Immediately I thought of the plate and dome set that left on the shelf at Goodwill. So the next morning on my way to work I decided to pop back into the Goodwill to see if it was still there and it was my lucky day because there it was. Someone had thought about buying it I know because it was on the other end of the shelf. I do that all the time. I will find something and walk around the store with it until I make up my mind about buying it but lucky for me that day because the shopper put it back on the shelf and I scooped it up. Next I needed a pedestal. I found a class candle holder that still had some wax dripping on it and it was priced at $1.99. I took them both to the check out and now they are mine.

Dessert Set Pieces 008

I scraped all of the wax drippings off of the candle holder and I washed all the pieces.

Dessert Set Pieces 007

The directions on the Gorilla Glue say to apply a thin coat of the glue to one of the pieces and to dampen the other piece where you want to join the two together. The water and glue will “foam” a little bit and they caution you to not use too much. Then after you join the pieces together they instruct you to clamp them together until they dry. I don’t own a “clamp” and I don’t think it would have worked on my project so I grabbed the next best heavy thing I could find to apply some pressure…A bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz! Worked perfectly.

Dessert Stand Project 001

Now, have to say I am thrilled with my new Dessert Stand and it was a piece of cake to make…HOWEVER……

I am not happy with the way the glue dried! I thought it would be “clear” and it is “white”. Just like the package said. Yes, it says right on the package that it dries “white” but I guess I wanted to believe it would dry clear so badly that didn’t believe it! It’s really not a problem. This is nothing against Gorilla Glue. It is a great product and when a project requires an extra strong glue…..Gorilla Glue is the way to go. I just did not want to leave out any details and felt like I had to give it to you straight! I am a fan of “no surprises!” So just be prepared to see the glue if you use a clear plate. I am going to get some of those little white paper dessert doilies and no one will ever know. Also, you can’t see where I attached the pieces when I have food on the plate. I will keep searching for a glue that is strong enough to hold clear glass but also dries clear because this project is just too easy and too cute not to try again!

Dessert Stand Project 008

See the white glue through the center of the plate?

Dessert Stand Project 007

With that said……LOOK! How beautiful is that? And, I made it myself!

Dessert Stand Project 010

And what a pretty price tag. Total Price: $7.00. :) I am linking this post up to the “I Can Make That” Party over at Just a Girl. That is where you are going to find lots of other great project ideas to try out for your self. AND……

DON’T FORGET TO ENTER MY GIVEAWAY!! Just click on the blue gift box on my side bar for more details!!

I am also linking this up to DIY DAY at A Soft Place to Land and Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville and Transformation Thursday over at The Shabby Chic Cottage Stop by and be amazed!



  1. What a great idea and the price, I'm impressed!

  2. I love it! What a great idea!!

  3. I went last week and purchased my supplies too from the thrift. I have yet to glue it together though, I cannot wait to see how mine turns out. Yours looks lovely and yes, filled, no one will ever know.

  4. It looks great and you can't beat the price!

  5. Looks great...I'm glad that it was still luck it would have been gone!


  6. I think you did a great job with this! I am into getting some plate stands, especially to use during the holidays. I think I'm going to go the handmade route, too.

  7. What a terrific idea. Since I am now downsizing after retirement and really not doing all these projects anymore, I will be making donations to Goodwill, etc...but I can't resist following these blogs and wishing I were just starting out again! Great work!

  8. I want to make one of these too. I've been watching our Goodwill store. Yours is BEAUTIFUL!

  9. Great job... you're fortunate that it was there when you went back! Those domes are so hot right now.


  10. Love that idea. You did a great job! Use the gorilla glue super glue, it dries clear.

    Love the Yellow Tail Shiraz too! Great choice!

  11. hmm, I have been thinking about doing the same thing. I didn't know it dried white--my bottle does not say this, but mine came in a different package than yours did. I wonder if all Gorilla glue dries white?


  12. Very nice & the cookies are making me hungry!:)

  13. I simply adore that black and white checkered tray... it is so gorgeous!

  14. I remember I saw a blogger do this last summer some time. I think it was The Farmer's Wife, but I don't regularly read her. I went over to her blog to see if she had it in her projects, but couldn't find it. The reason I'm saying this is, she did it with some glue that came out clear. I'm fairly certain it was her. I'll keep rolling this around in my head and see if I can recall what glue it was. Otherwise, it's beautiful!

  15. Great job! I bet you'll use it in lots of fun ways.

  16. That tuned out very nice, and no one will ever see the white glue. I am curious now about which glues dry clear. Someone will know.

  17. Love it. I hope you enjoyed the wine afterwards. I want the stand and the cookies. Seriously.

  18. I like your new dessert stand, in fact I love the silver details!! I keep two glass covered cake plates out at all times filled with goodies.

    I noticed that when people came into my kitchen, they immediately started looking around for something to eat. So I thought what the heck, got out my covered cake plates and just made it convenient for them.

    LOVE...LOVE...LOVE the black and white checkered tray.

  19. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and purchase Loctite is the best epoxy for gluing glass to glass and it dries CLEAR!! I've used it many times to make apothecary jars...Love what you made, very clever and useful

  20. I had the same problem with my glue job so I sprayed the base (plate and candle holder) with a primer paint and then flat black paint. Not good for food but great for decorating.

  21. So cute! That was a very thrifty and successful pairing. Nice job!

  22. What a fun giveaway! How crafty!!

    ~Following you from

  23. I just made my own cloche that I posted last week.
    I just love your blog and clicked to follow--hope you'll come by and do the same. I love meeting new people and getting to know them.

  24. Love this - it turned out so pretty and, like you said, with food on it you don't even see the glue. Good to know though. Have a good day...

    pk @ ROOM REMIX

  25. Great makeover! I see those domed dishes at the thrift stores all the time. Now I'll be looking at them a little closer :)


  26. Love the dessert stand! I am a big fan of gorilla glue myself!
    Thank you for your visit and comments yesterday! I'm following you, since we are practically neighbors I hope you'll come by and follow me too!

  27. E6000 or "Clear" Liquid Nails are 2 adhesives that both dry clear and work on glass.

    E6000 can be found at WalMart and Liquid Nails at Lowes.

  28. Thanks for the suggestions on what kind of glue to use next time. I appreciated every little tip I can get! Thanks everyone for all the kind comments!

  29. Love your pedestal plate. Thanks for the tip that the glue dries white.

  30. Hi Lisa...

    Ohhh...I love your beautiful covered pedistal plate! You're so creative, my friend! Hmmm...I've heard great things about Gorilla Glue but have never used it! Thanks for the "heads up" about it drying white instead of clear. Girl, you'll never notice that white from the glue...and especially when you have it covered with those fabulous chocolate chip cookies! Hehe! Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us today...I love it!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  31. I think your project is beautiful! I might have to try a project like this! Thanks for sharing! I am headed to check out your giveaway. My blog is hosting a giveaway this week too! Be sure to check it out!

  32. It turned out beautiful. I made dessert stands/plates too. I used the gorilla glue super glue and it dried clear. It also dried in only 1 minute. Of course you probably won't be able to throw it in the dishwasher, but I'm okay with that. I just used 6 of them last week at a baby shower and they looked great with cupcakes on them and were sturdy.

  33. Good deal! Thank you for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week, and as always thank you for being a friend in Bloggeritaville.
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  34. I love this! Almost as much as I love that berry garland around the candle (must get one!). Thank you for showing us how you did it!
