
Monday, November 23, 2009

No Shortage of Trays

There seems to be no shortage of trays at the Goodwill. Every time I hit the Goodwill it seems I find another tray just begging me to take it home. I can’t leave them there when the prices range from$1.99 and $3.99. I don’t care how ugly they are just so long as they are sturdy and in good condition. These are two of my my latest finds.

Trays 030

Spray Paint 001

The tray with all the fruit on it is nice and big and has a nice weight to it. It was well made. I paid $3.99 for it. The snowman tray…very cheap and I had to Gorilla Glue some of the pieces that were coming apart but I only paid $1.99 for it . Both were grubby dirty so I washed them up and dried them thoroughly before I took them out to the backyard where I gave them each a couple of coats of Rust-o-leum Black Spray Paint.

Peanut Butter Cookies 008

Bar Ware 005

After the paint was dry I picked out my paper to decoupage to the bottom of the trays. I have a lot of beautiful sheets of scrapbooking paper but I just can’t seem to get away from the black and white harlequin pattern! I just love how this paper looks on everything I decoupage it to! The big tray was going to require an odd size of paper and one sheet was not going to be enough. So I decided to cut each of 2 sheets in half and then I ended up using 3 of those sheets.

Spray Paint 033

I applied Mod Podge to the bottom of the tray with a foam brush and then one at a time, I brushed the back of each sheet of paper as I was working with it and applied it to the tray. I was having a tough time with the third sheet as I was decoupaging it to the tray. I had way too many air bubbles that I just couldn’t seem to get out so I decided to scrape it all out and re-do the third panel. That is what the mess in the photo below is. Things don’t always go as smoothly as they should!

Trays 007

Matching up the papers was not going to be easy to do so I simply left some space in between so that each sheet looked like it had a black border. And here they are almost dry.

Trays 019

And now after a full day of spray painting and decoupaging I am ready to sit down and relax. Cheers!

Trays 029


  1. Thanks for stopping by. I lost a dear childhood friend last week and it kind of took the "wind out of my sails"...I am glad to be back and have a lot of other blogs to catch up on!

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss, Lisa. You know I love your harlequin paper and the trays look fantastic! I see you had to throw a fleur de lis piece in there as well. ; )

  3. I'm sorry about your friend. Was it unexpected? I'm sending you hugs.

    Your tray is great. You are so smart to snag them when you find them...and then do your magic. :)

  4. Lisa- I'm so sorry for your loss! My condolences...

    The harlequin checks are absolutely lovely...

  5. This is so wonderful. It's amazing how many goodwill trays there always are! Thanks for the reminder of their lovely hidden potential.

  6. Great job! It is always fun to see how you jazz up your Goodwill finds!

  7. What a great project. I love it.

  8. I'm new to your blog and can tell already that I'm going to have a lot of fun looking around. I love, love, love the trays you made!
