
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Wizard of Oz Tree

Walk in the woods 005

In honor of Outdoor Wednesday over at A Southern Day Dreamer ,I would like to show you the tree I pass when walking our dog Oakley along my favorite trail in the woods. The trail is now covered with fallen leaves and I love the crunch and swishing sound it makes when we walk through them. Every time I walk past this tree I think of the tree in the Wizard of Oz who gets so insulted when Dorothy and the Scarecrow try to pick an apple off of it that he slaps their hand. It’s a dead tree and I am not sure what kind it once was but it has a fun and creepy look to it all at the same time. And it didn’t even throw apples at me after I took it’s picture!

tohe sale 015

tohe sale 017

Stop by tomorrow to see what I found at the Goodwill today that I am revamping. Sorry but I can’t show it to you until tomorrow because the paint is still drying.

tohe sale 016

Also, if you haven’t stopped by Leigh’s Tales of Bloggeritaville yet to vote in her Best Halloween Costume Contest do so now and think about casting your vote for the Jolly Green Giant and Little Sprout. So far I think we are loosing quite badly to “The Dust Bunny”. The kid’s costume section is so cute to look at. Check it out for Halloween Costume ideas for next year! And THANK YOU if you think our costumes are worthy of your vote!! The contest ends tomorrow so vote today!! Happy Wednesday!


  1. I do think you are right about that tree....I love that path with all the leaves - just lovely !

  2. It certainly was a perfect tree for Halloween. The path buried in leaves is an unmistakable sign that winter is almost here.Have a great outdoor Wednesday.

  3. How pretty! The tree is a little spooky though...Anita

  4. Oh, you aren't kidding! This looks just like the tree from Oz! Happy Outdoor Wednesday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  5. You are right it does look like that tree! Beautiful fall pics!

    Thanks for visiting! Now I have to go and read some of your other posts!

  6. Yes - it is a little spooky looking. Pretty dog.

  7. isn't it a cedar tree? Smell it next time you go by and see if it smells like your grandmother's cedar chest.

    Beautiful site! My dog loves foot bridges. Does yours?

    Must check back tomorrow to see painted surprise.
