
Sunday, December 6, 2009

It’s Beginning to Look a Little Bit Like Christmas

We finally got started with the decorating inside the house. Well, I should say “I” instead of “We”. The other half of my “We” watched football while I dug around in the storage boxes. The two trees are still bare but I found some of my Santas and some of the other little things I like to put out each year. I really need to get more organized. I am still missing some boxes and not sure where to look for them!

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The photo frame above is waiting for the First Year College Student daughter to come home for Christmas so that we can take the annual Christmas picture. I found the frame at TJ Maxx earlier in the week. It is nice and sparkly. It’s just waiting for a great photo.

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I actually have two sets of these little elves. I bought this first set about 20 years ago at a Church Bazaar.

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Then about 10 years ago I saw this set at another craft show and had to have it too. For all you crafter out there these would make a cute project!

Christmas Decorating 009

I was able to put some of my Santas together. The ones I could find anyway. There are more in a box somewhere. Now to the real work. The trees. I hope to make some progress in that department real soon. :)


  1. Your Christmas array is delightful. Once it's daylight, I plan to haul out a few boxes msyelf...everyone is putting me to shame.

  2. I love the arrangement you did here. It just screams Christmas. Hope your holiday season is filled with fun.

  3. Cheerful, Christmasy, Festive! It's beautiful!!

  4. I like the 'I' inside of 'we.' That is the same thing that happens in our household. Yesterday, my husband did a few honey do's during the first set of football games but was done by the time Alabama & Florida came on. You know, no Christmas at our house this year so I will just enjoy all of yours. LOL

  5. You're Santas remind me of the great ones Home Goods carries. I can't tell you how many I've gotten from there. I love the Noel elves; so cute! I am sure I am missing a box of decorations too. I'm sure I'll find it in January!

  6. First of all I would like to thank you for coming over to my blog and leaving a very nice comment about my Pearl Harbour post.
    Now, I love, love your holiday settings and the fact that you have a frame waiting for your family picture is just priceless.
    Are those some Mark Robert's fairies that I spy. Ooohhhhh, love those. There is a place in Calabash, NC, just five miles from me. It's called Callahans. Inside their Christmas Shop are hundreds of the MR fairies. They are hanging everywhere, and I love them!
    I love your blog too, so I'm signing up. Please come back and visit me again soon.

  7. You ARE putting us to shame! :) I love your Santas! Our "we" is THEY bring down the boxes and put the tree together (yes-we went artificial) and I do the rest. The boxes have been down for 24 hours, no tree, yet. Merry Christmas, Lisa!
