
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas cookies 007

It is Christmas Eve and not a single gift is wrapped!  I hope you are more on top of things than I am.  (But I did get some of my cookies baked. :)

Allow me to wish you and your family a wonderful and very

Merry Christmas!


  1. I would take cookies over gifts any day :) They look yummy!

  2. You are going to have a wrapping marathon, aren't you? My sister in law does the same thing every year. Never gets her stuff wrapped until midnight of Christmas eve. At least you have cookies to eat while wrapping;) Have a great Christmas.

  3. I bought my last gift this morning at Marshall's {after the last minute food shopping trip}! You wouldn't believe how many men were in Marshall's that were not being dragged around by their wives! Thanks for popping over to my blog ~ thought I'd wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas in between food prep! : )

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS, LISA! I like your new page. Very festive. :)

  5. Grab some gift bags and go to town girl! Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  6. All that wrapping only to now be in the trash! Wrapping gifts is wayyyyy overrated...don't you think? Your cookies look delish. I hope you and yours had a most wonderful Christmas. Today is a day of rest for me and surfing around blogland visiting all my friends. I hope you have a blessed New Year ahead.
