
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Melody Gardot


Oh my.  I haven’t heard such a beautiful sound in I can’t tell you how long.  I was up early last Sunday morning compliments of my crazy and neurotic (to the point of possibly needing medication) dog.  The new carpet runner we gave her for Christmas I am happy to report is working.  Oakley the dog is enjoying the new freedom she has and is exercising that freedom by coming up to our bedroom and waking me (not my husband) up by shoving her wet dog nose in my face most mornings now between 6:30 and 7:00 AM.  She doesn’t understand the concept of weekends. 

So up with the sun on a Sunday morning, the dog and I headed downstairs to drink a pot of coffee and eat a bowl of Beneful Playful Life.  On the Sunday Morning Show on CBS I saw a story about an American singer named Melody Gardot.  This woman is a huge talent and I had never heard of her.  Her music is soft, feminine, jazzy.  I love it when I find new music.  I am a bit old school in that I like to play CD’s in my car and I ordered her CD from and it arrived today.  LOVE IT.  But of course i-Tunes is a perfectly good alternative.  :)

Click here (MELODY GARDOT) to be taken to her website and you can listen to her for yourself.   Do nothing….her velvety voice will start on it’s own.  You will thank me later.  :)


  1. I'll go and listen. I'm always looking for new music for my I-pod.

  2. Your dog and my dog have a lot in common!!
    Thanks for the info. on Melody Gardot. I'll go give her a listen.

  3. Thanks for the info on this talent. I love that type of music and will definately check her out!

    Thanks so much for stopping by on Monday. Sorry it has taken me so long to get over here.

    Fortunately for me, my husband is in charge of Millie, our dog, in the morning ~ YAY!

    Hey, I want to invite you to a new link party I and beginning Feb 2nd ~ Timeless Tuesday. The theme is all things classic. Here's the link so you may see what's it's all about. I love to have you!

    Paula Grace ~

  4. Love new music- thanks for the introduction! xo

  5. Is it later? Because I'm ready to offer my thanks.

  6. We here in the Austin area are already acquainted with Melody from hearing her music played on KGSR. She is unique and charming in a world of sound-alikes. Happy listening! -- Holly

  7. Thanks, Lisa!! I had never heard of her, either...but I just pulled her up on iTunes and she sounds somewhat like Diana Krall (who I LOVE)!! AND I randomly found an iTunes gift card last week in a drawer and was trying to figure out how to spend it. Plus her songs are all 99 cents which is kind of nice. I'm all over this. I LOVE finding new musicians...I get so sick of Top 40. Grazie!

  8. Thank you for this rec! I am SO TIRED of the radio {top 40} and my ipod needs some new songs. Thanks!

  9. I love her voice. Thanks for the link!

  10. Oh, this music is so delicious.....thank you! I will be painting to this.
