
Monday, January 18, 2010

My Silver Collection is Growing

  Silver 017  

My silver collection is growing.  And it isn’t intentional.  But, when I see silver at Goodwill and lately I have been seeing a lot of it I can’t seem to leave it there! 

Silver 004

I picked this piece up for just $2.99.  I believe it is a potpourri vase but I think I will also use it as a votive candle holder. 

Silver 007

I washed both pieces and then used some silver tarnish polish. 

Silver 020

Here it is in my powder room.  The same powder room that this past summer I committed on my blog to re-do.  Still hasn’t happened.  It’s going to be a big job when I do get to it.  I mean look at that wallpaper I have to peel. 

Silver 008

I found the little coaster in this photo for .49 cents at Goodwill too. 

Silver 009

And I also found this sugar bowl there and I paid $1.99 for it.  It did not have a lid but that's okay with me.  I think I might try and make one of those pincushions that I have seen on Etsy with it.  I was very happy to find the silver tray at Goodwill on another visit.  I paid $2.99 for it and love it.   There are two spots on it that I think are permanent.  Hard to see but I know they are there.  I guess one of the tricks to finding and buying tarnished silver is to look the piece over very carefully and where you see excessively dark spots, run your finger over the spot to see if you can feel “pitting”.  If so, you can decide if you can live with it and if you still want the piece.  I knew when I bought the tray that I might have a couple of spots that would be permanent.  Are there any seasoned silver hunters out there?  I could use some tips!


  1. Honey, you are the queen of Goodwill. You make me want to go there but I never find anything! Can't help you on the silver. Sorry.

  2. Gorgeous silver finds!! I made pincushions out of old silver cream and sugar bowls for a craft show last fall. They're simple to make and are a great use for the solo pieces you find at the thrift stores.
    I love the potpourri's a really pretty piece.

  3. I got two silver trays at Goodwill this weekend, Lisa! I was so happy! At least one is going to get some chalkboard paint. I'm also going to try the pincushion project with these small sized teacups and saucers I also got at Goodwill. {I'll be showing off those finds later this week}.

    For your wallpaper, I've got a really easy solution for you to get it off. Fabric softener. Fabric softener {from the dollar store is fine} in a paint roller tray. Roll it on with a paint roller. If you want more detailed instructions, email me and I'll be glad to give them to you. I used this for my powder room and it worked like a charm!

  4. You have the best freakin good luck at Goodwill of anyone I've ever met. Your Goodwill must ROCK! I'm so useless to you on the silver, but I have used Kathy's method for peeling wallpaper. Works like a charm! Although maybe I'm nuts but I kind of like that wallpaper...maybe that picture doesn't do its tackiness total justice in your eyes? I just kind of dig that shabby chic kinda way...

  5. Thanks to Kathy for the wallpaper removal tip using fabric softener! And Allyson likes my wall paper! I still like it too but it is almost 10 years old now and I feel pressure to make a change from all the wall paper haters in the world. :) But I am taking my time because I still don't know how I do want it to look.

  6. You make me want to go shopping!!! I love all of your beautiful silver pieces...the new piece is gorgeous!!!


  7. I just love how beautiful this little gem turned out to be. Thanks for stopping by and I wanted to let you know that I linked back to your Laundry Room Redo today - I Love what you did!

  8. You always find the coolest pieces for the lowest prices!

  9. I think your first piece might be a rose bowl. when it is filled with roses, just the flower sticking out, the stems just touching the bottom of the bowl, it makes the roses create a dome effect that is beautiful..

  10. I love the little stand for the potpourri vase, it's almost contemporary. You are still the Goodwill Queen in my book!

  11. I love silver pieces too and lately I've been collecting them.
    I love all of your pieces especially the tray.
    Sometimes I buy a badly tarnished piece just because I like its shape. If it is badly discolored and will not shine up, I simply paint it a creamy white. It always comes out beautiful.

    Good job.

  12. love your silver! I think you are the luckiest EVER! I don't ever find such great pieces. Yes, I'm whining now. \

    For the wallpaper removal- Scrubbing Buddies spray- the cleaner works great!

  13. So pretty! I'm jealous again! hehe I think I may own 3 pieces of silver - sad, huh? I'm going to hit my GW today and see if there's anything good - I doubt it :o(

  14. I love it when I make a good find like these you have found. Congratulations, I love the silver stand with the crystal bowl. Makes me want to make a trip to Goodwill tomorrow...what town and state is your Goodwill store in? ;}

  15. OK, I'm in NC also and the silver you found at your Goodwill would have been priced at $18.00-$25.00 at my Goodwill! Lucky you-there are many times I literally laugh out loud when I see some of the prices!!!
    I love finding a treasure though!
