
Saturday, February 27, 2010

And the Winner Is…


Thanks to all who entered my Giveaway!  I am happy to announce that the Random Number Generator at picked  number 19 and that number belonged to Penny at The Comforts of Home/Lavender Hill!  Congratulations Penny!

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Here are just a couple of samples of her work.  How cute is that bread box and that chair??!!

I took a peek at Penny’s blog and learned that she is an accomplished Mosaic Artist.  She actually has two blogs.   The first is Lavender Hill Studio, which features her mosaic art and one called The Comforts of Home, where she shares her home, gardening, cooking and inspiration for a comfortable life.  Stop by and visit with Penny and take a peek at her beautiful mosaic pieces. 


Congratulations again to Penny who won this set of 3 Hand Stenciled Gift Bags with matching tags.  Penny, please send me your info and I will pop these into the mail pronto!!


  1. Oh My Gosh!!!! I can't believe I won! Thank you so much...and thank you for posting my mosaics....

  2. Oh BOO!! I'm just now getting all caught up on my blogs from the past 2 weeks and totally missed this! ;( But big congratulations to Penny! I'm so excited that you are opening an Etsy store!! I love my Etsy store. Let me know what you name yours so I can "heart" it. I just did a lovely trade with Foxy for a scarf. I love Etsy stores and try to buy a lot through it...handmade is by far my favorite way to go. Let me know how to find you!

  3. Congrats to the winner. She is getting some cute blogs. I am spending my Saturday evening catching up on my blog reading. Hope you have a great Sunday.

  4. Congratulations to Penny. You created some really cute bags.
