
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Subway Art

I have wanted to make one of these signs for the longest time. Today was a good day to do it. I spent most of the day today watching Final Four Basketball (Go Michigan State and Duke!) and working on my “Hello” Subway Art project.

Subway Art Sign Hello 026

First thing I had to do was go to the Google Translator to get the proper spellings of the word “Hello” in several different languages.

Guten Tag – German

Ciao – Italian

Hola – Spanish

Ahoj – Czech

Bon Jour – French

Hej – Swedish

My husband was bummed that I didn’t include the Norwegian “Hallo” in my little art project since he is half Norwegian. Sorry but I ran out of room!

Subway Art Sign Hello 004 Subway Art Sign Hello 005

First thing I did was to paint a canvas with black acrylic craft paint. It took 3 coats to get the solid black look I wanted.

Subway Art Sign Hello 006 Subway Art Sign Hello 007

Then I took my stencils and started to stencil on my word “hello” in all of its various languages and spellings.

Subway Art Sign Hello 013

I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. It would be fun to try this on a larger scale and have several more languages represented on it.

Subway Art Sign Hello 021

And of course then I had to do the Home Tour to decide where to put it.

Subway Art Sign Hello 026

I am sure that I will move it around to several more locations before it finds a more permanent location.

I am going to try this again with a larger canvas and I am going to make it using all of the addresses we have lived at over the years. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I am linking up with Susan's Between Naps on the Porch where she is hosting Metamorphisis Monday. Stop by....lot's to see!!

And I am linking up to The Twice Remembered Cottage for Make Your Monday.


  1. Oh that's so cute, Lisa!! You have the most clever ideas!! I would love to do one with all of the places we've visited, along with our souvenirs from those places...on a wall in the office. We don't actually have a bare wall in the office, but a girl can dream, yes?

    We here in Chez Miller are cheering for Michigan State because since our loss to WVU last night, we can't stand the thought of a different blue team being in the final four. *sigh* At least we got the Elite Eight this time...first time in something like 10 years...

  2. Very creative, Lisa! I like this and I like the letters stencil you have! I like your first picture location. What a great vignette you have set up there! Love that lamp!

  3. It looks great, I bet the address one turns out good too :)

  4. I have always loved the look of the subway signs and have contemplated doing one with the street names of all the places we have lived too. I like the idea of using a canvas and stencils....I don't have the patience for free hand painting.
    Your sign looks fabulous in all of the locations you pictured!

  5. Nice job on the sign! I would love to try making some subway art too!

  6. Lisa,
    What a cute idea! I love it! I also love your table with all the black and white. It looks so welcoming! Thanks for sharing!

  7. That is so neat! I think it turned out really well.


  8. What a cute idea! Good luck to your teams... I didn't pick any of the final four correctly... poop.

  9. Hi Lisa,
    The sign looks very chic and wherever you choose to place it, I'm sure it will look great.


  10. You did a very nice job on the is so cute and I like it on the sideboard with that great lamp....

  11. Your thrift store finds are amazing! I love all your great stenciling projects! So glad to have found your blog!:)

  12. What a cute idea! I've seen lots of subway art lately and really love yours.

    I'm hosting a giveaway and I'd love it if you stopped by my blog!

  13. Lisa,

    I LOVE it! Great work!!!! I want to make one of those too!

  14. Looks great! I've been wanting to do this too, but the big ones that I've seen created are kind of a daunting project for me. I like how you did yours small. I can do that! Now you know you have to do one in all Swedish words/phrases for Hubby!

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. It would be cute to do one with all the different "good-byes" too. That way you could include one for the hubs.

  16. That is just plain fun... really turned out cute! Thanks so much for sharing this idea!

  17. Very cute Lisa! I can't wait to see the addresses. I might have to copy you on that one:) Have a good Monday.

  18. I am loving this idea! Its so mobile and can be used to dress up any spot that looks dull. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Lisa - I am a new blogger and happened by so I am a new follower now. I love your posts, very creative and your home is lovely. I'll be back. Deb

  20. You're getting so good at this stenciling stuff! I love where you put it. Fits right in.

  21. adorable. I love that! It looks so good. I'm sure it was fun to have it turn out so well!

  22. Great job on the sign. Looks nice wherever it lands!

    Hope you'll drop by AtticMag to give JaneT some advice on making a bench from a vintage bed. #81 on Met Monday.


  23. Lovely!! and yay Duke! (I'm an Alum)

  24. That's gorgeous. I was looking to make a subway style art (use a proverb) and when googled for ideas you popped up. Great!
    Love your stencils. Where i can get such stencils. Please help.


  25. Thanks for all the kind comments!
    Mala, I ordered my stencils online at this website:

    Great quality and I am really happy with them.

  26. Thanks so much for the reply

  27. SUCH a cute idea! I love that you used different languages. Adorable!!

    Thanks so much for linking it up to my Subway Art party!


  28. May I ask where you got your stencils from? Thanx
