
Friday, April 9, 2010

It’s Friday!!

Walking in the Woods 2 021   

I love Fridays!  After I got home from work, I took Oakley the dog for a walk through the woods.

And I do believe this is a mini wild Violet.  I mistakenly called some Vinca I saw the other day violets and now I know the difference!

Walking in the Woods 2 023

We are lucky enough to live near a trail through the woods and it is a favorite place to walk the dog.

There is a creek that runs along parts of the path.  You have to carefully ease yourself down the banks…it’s quite a drop.

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But so pretty and there is nothing like the sound of the moving water.

Walking in the Woods 2 022

Today, Oakley decided to take a dip….   

Walking in the Woods 2 009

She loves to lay down in the water and splash around.

Walking in the Woods 2 016

I wish I could trust her off of her leash.  She flunked  the “Oakley Come!”  command at puppy school and now she’s hopeless.Walking in the Woods 2 015

Once her nose hits the ground she is off.  Yes, a leash is VERY necessary.

Walking in the Woods 2 028

The wild dogwoods are starting to bloom.  Which means the one in my yard should start any day now.  Today was a beautiful day and so much cooler than the crazy warm temperatures we have had most of this week.  I am talking 80’s and 90’s and I am sorry but that is just too warm for early April!  Today was a more seasonable 68 degrees.  I like to ease into my air-conditioned days.  :)  Have a Great Weekend!!


  1. That's a very pretty area to walk your dog. Oakley reminds me of my childhood dog, Ajax. Enjoy the rest of your day!


  2. Wow - beautiful! How excellent that you have that awesomeness to enjoy!!

    Cheers friend!

  3. Wow, that's strange. I just got back from a walk with my daughter and we have a trail that looks just like that - minus the dog!

  4. We had some high temperatures this week as well, Lisa. It is raining today but more normal temps tomorrow and sun. Which is good because I need to get outside and get some things done before Sunday's rain hits. My flowering pears are blooming and just look beautiful ~ they and my weeping cherry are the first.

  5. I wish it was warm here today. It was 37 when I got up this morning. I want it to be warm enough for spray painting. I've been so inspired by all of your Goodwill finds that I stopped in today and hit the jackpot. But I'll need a little spray paint to spruce up my finds.

  6. How great to live near the woods...looks like a fun romp you had with your dog! I've been enjoying the peacocks in a park near my house...but it would be great to live so close to nature! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  7. Such a pretty day to walk in the woods. I have an "Oakley" too. She is not as much fun to walk though. Being dragged through the woods by 120 lbs of stupidity isn't fun. Especially when you find out she just wants to make "friends" with a skunk!

  8. The dogwood is beautiful! Lucky! What a beautiful walk.

    How is the Rebecca Wells book? The YaYa book was life changing good for me, so I'm curious to see what you think.

  9. It's a beautiful walk! Looks a little like the wet weather creek behind our house. Molly will roll around in it, in hot weather. Other than that she won't go near the water. She used to go with J when he fed our catfish on the farm. They would sense J's approach and start rolling around in the water, in anticipation of their food. I think that made Moilly afraid of the water. She never hesitated to go with J to feed, but she would never get in the water with those big ol' fish!

  10. Love the pics, Lisa! We have violets all over our yard in the Spring. They kind of take over.

    BTW--You are SUCH a nice dog mom! I am too lazy to let Milo have that much fun--all I would think about is the mess I would need to clean up. :(

  11. We take our golden retriever for hikes and walks similar to your trail. He loves to chase deer, but I'm sure if one turned around and snorted at him he would knock me down trying to get away.:)

    Isn't it so peaceful and calm walking in the woods? Albert loves it!

  12. That is beautiful wild dogwood! I'll bet Oakley leads you on a merry chase. Best to keep her on a leash if she flunked out of that part of behavior school...pretty frustrating if you call and she's busy cavorting off down the stream!!

  13. That's such a beautiful place!

  14. Sounds like our dogs are related. Bit Bit won't come when you call him either:(

    Your walk is in a beautiful area. Honey, I am happy for the highs of 80 degrees. You know me, skip it all and bring on summer.

    Have a good weekend.
