
Monday, May 17, 2010

Cottage Cheese and a Shoe Box



Me: I’ll take “Trash to Treasure” for $500 Alex.

Alex Trebeck: Black spray paint, an old shoe box, and an empty container of cottage cheese?

Me: What is How to Entertain Yourself on a Sunday afternoon! You too can make a black box for holding your “stuff” and a new mini planter!


I’d like to say that I am always searching for ways to recycle but the truth is I am just having fun with “free” stuff that I already have. Don’t you just hate throwing away shoe boxes? I do and I just couldn’t part with this latest one because it was so sturdy and the lid was “hinged” or attached to the box. I am not sure what I’ll put in it just yet but believe me there are mini piles of stuff looking for a home all over my house and so the word “stuff” seemed more than appropriate.


. I am especially happy with my new little “grow” planter. The best part is that the lid makes a perfect tray or saucer for the pot. I used a knife to cut 4 “X”’s in the bottom of the pot for drainage and the pot sits perfectly on the saucer and will catch any water that drains out the bottom.


I am going to save myself a couple more containers so that I can have a set of three that say “Grow”, “&”, “Bloom”. How cute would that be? You know you’ll be the first to see them when they are done. I am adding more cottage cheese to my shopping list as we speak!

I am linking this post up to Nifty Thrify Tuesday over at Coastal Charm. Come see all the other creative posts!


  1. Monday morning 7:43 - I'm laughing my a__ off at your post - I love all the items you paint and your sense of humor! Jennifer ... sorry I'll never visit - you'll paint me and label me too... J E N N I F E R

  2. I always get a special feeling of pride when I can makeover something I already own. I've never tried a cottage cheese container though!

    I've often thought I should cover my old shoe boxes with fabric for storing items. Maybe you can tackle that one next.

  3. I like the idea of the cottage cheese. Only you would of thunk it! I go through cottage cheese like crazy so I think I am going to start using those containers. I have been wanting to make some small containers for my address. You will have to come and check them out once they are done.

  4. You can transform anything I believe, love all the black pots er containers and the words painted on them. Smiles, Marla

  5. Lisa, can you please send me some of whatever your taking??? You are one bizzy gal! I wish I could muster up some of that energy to get all the projects done on my list.

    I'm loving the black shoebox! What a way to repurpose something super-ordinary!

  6. Love this idea! Bonne Journee a vous, la Belle!

  7. Hmmmm, just bought two containers of cottage cheese yesterday.


  8. Wow, and a bonus! You'll be eating healthy, too! : ) Love these and I agree, I hate to throw out shoe boxes, but most of the stuff I could use for my crafty stuff I need to have a clear box for so I can see what's in there. I do keep some though for that odd paperwork I keep in my closet. At least it's neat!

  9. What great ideas! I have trouble throwing away shoe boxes too. One of these days I'm hoping to make some of the ones I keep a bit more attractive like you have. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I like your Jeopardy reference :)

  11. Lisa, I can always count on you to make me laugh! I love you and your spray paint and stencil self! Have a great evening.

  12. Cute and I'm glad you finally got to the "South"...all that talent was just wasting away till you got to God's country!!! :-)

  13. Found you from Pandora's Box! Very cute blog! I am now a follower! I have linked you up today on my post!
    So fun! Have a great day!

  14. Lisa I adore this project! You are creative and they turned out beautiful. Good job repurposing the items!

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  15. OMGosh...what an awesome NIFTY THRIFTY idea...luv it!


  16. Hi Lisa~ just hopped over from Coastal Charm and I've really enjoyed my visit! I just love numbers and letters, too- fun project! I'm looking forward to reading more~ I'm your newest follower...

  17. You know ever since I saw this post over the weekend I have been looking thru my house for things to paint for outside garden accents. I tell you what by the time you pay for pots of all the other things that go with it you have to have a ton of money and then ened up with hardly anything...this way I can have more. Thanks for sharing this idea!
