
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cheese Caves

I am in the “Cheese Caves” this week.   Duty calls.   I hope to be back soon.


But before I go, I have a cheese recommendation for you.  This one is called Red Dragon and it is a cow’s milk cheese from Wales.  Oh my, is this one tastee!  I am borrowing the description from as I don’t think I could have said it any better.   Here is how they describe it on their website:

“This smooth, firm, tasty Cheddar is made with Welsh brown ale and mustard seeds. Red Dragon is a buttery and spicy cheese with plenty of bite, but is not too hot. Not only do the mustard seeds give Red Dragon its marvelous flavor, but also its texture. The brown ale makes the cheese moist and tangy. Red Dragon is aged for three months, made from cow's milk and is vegetarian. Serve as a table cheese or melted on toast with dark ale or try a Shiraz, if you prefer wine.”

  And if you can’t find this one in your local gourmet shop…then you might want to indulge and order it online.  You will be glad you did!

And if you live in Canada, you can order this cheese from Springbank Cheese Company.


  1. Hurry back, it's not a party without you!

  2. Sounds delicious! Yeah, hurry back!

  3. A very nice description of cheese. Certainly makes ME want to try it...


  4. This sounds really yummy! I think I was a mouse in a previous life cause I just love cheese!

  5. Sounds great. I can't wait to hear about your cheese trip:)

  6. Love cheese, this one looks so yummy xoxo

  7. Have fun, your post made me hungry, I love cheese. That little boy in my post is my little grandson, the light of our life...

  8. Mmmm . . . yum! I would love your job, Lisa. I've never met a cheese I didn't like ;o) It's probably a good thing I don't have your job, though, I'm afraid I would look like a wheel of cheese after time.

    I'll definitely look for this cheese.
