
Friday, July 30, 2010

Making Pasta

Fettucini for everybody!

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I actually tried to make my own pasta the other day. My husband has been traveling and this is only one of the many ways I tired to entertain myself while he was gone!

How hard could it be? I’ve seen Mario Batalli do it many, many, times on his show.

Here is the recipe I followed:

Pasta Dough

3 cups of all purpose flour

3 eggs

1/2 tsp. salt

Make a well out of the flour on your work surface. Using a fork, carefully scramble the eggs and incorporate small amounts of flour as you go. Be careful not to break the “wall” of flour or your egg mixture will run out. Keep mixing the flour into the egg mixture until it is difficult to use the fork. Then start to use your hands to mix together the dough.

My dough was very dry and crumbly so I decided to add another egg. This helped but it was still too dry. So I added a tablespoon of cold water one at a time until the dough came together and I was able to work it with my hand. I ended up adding a total of 3 tablespoons of water.

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I rolled out the dough as thin as I could get it.

But not thin enough though I guess. I think I needed one of those hand crank pasta machines. Then I folded the dough and sliced it into fettucini ribbons and set them aside. I boiled up a big pot of salted water and cooked them. They seemed to thicken up in the water and although they tasted fine, they were too thick. They would have been nice in a Chicken Noodle Soup or I am guessing Chicken and Dumplings although I don’t think I’ve ever had Chicken and Dumplings. What do I know? Don’t listen to me.

The only thing I do know now is nobody (which consisted of just me and my son) wanted to eat a plate of these.

I promise to stick to buying my pasta at the supermarket. Some things just aren’t worth the time!


  1. At least you gave it a try!
    I remember when I was growing up my neighbor made homemade pasta. It was always a thick noodle and as I remember she always used them in a homemade chicken noodle soup.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Good for you for trying! I have made pasta and it is good. My kids like the homemade noodles for lasagna as they are not as thick. I have a crank machine but I need about 8 arms to use it. One of these days I am going to buy the pasta attachment for my mixer. I think that will make it easier.

    You've never had chicken and dumplings?! You poor deprived girl! That is one of my favs. My grandma made the best chicken and dumplings.

  3. We tried our own pasta once but we had bought a pasta machine too and tried that... it was fun and the machine makes it easy to get the dough really thin. I think we took it back to the store though cos we knew we'd never really use it!

  4. Homemade pasta just sounds so good but it does seem like a little too much work for me! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  5. Making pasta is a lot of work, but you can't beat the taste of fresh pasta!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Girl, you are the BOMB! I have never attempted making pasta! I just buy it in the box and hurl it into boiling water...there is no art in that!

    I have, however had chicken and dumplings! LOVE IT!!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lou Cinda :)

  7. My sentiments exactly! I too have never had chicken & dumplings...I don't know why, they just don't appeal to me. My pasta comes in a blue and white box:)

  8. Good job for attempting...I myself just pull out the box of noodles but they say homemade pasta is dabomb..I do make my own dumplings but that is all.

  9. It's always an adventure when we try new things! Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so much, but it feels good to try!
    Chicken and dumplings keep coming up in my life... I have never had them either, and I was thinking about correcting that this weekend!

  10. Live and learn, my friend! I've tried the homemade pasta thing myself. Even had one of those fancy electric pasta makers. Personally, didn't care for it. Ended up giving the pasta maker to good ole GW!

    I totally agree with you . . . some things just aren't worth the time when excellent store-bought versions are available.

    I would say you get a big A for effort! :o)

  11. I am just proud of you for trying to make it. I have never made pasta before. I am shocked that you have never had dumplings before! I just made them this week for Caden. They were good. Mary Bee's in the frozen section at the grocery store!

  12. When I worked in a pasta restaurant we used semolina flour which gave it an entirely different texture.

    Your noodles would be good in soup though. They look fab!
