
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Drunken Noodles

Washington DC Trip 039

Are you big fan of Thai food???  I love how fresh tasting Thai food can be and have to say that we have only started to search it out in the last year or two.  While we were in Alexandria, Virginia, the first restaurant we dined at was called Mai Thai which was located at the end of King Street right next to the Torpedo Factory area and the Potomac River.  We both ordered the Drunken Noodles off the menu.   It is a dish that is made with wide rice noodles, chicken, onions, red and green bell peppers, fresh tomatoes and fresh basil.  I am not sure what is used to make it “drunken” but wow is that a flavorful dish.  I think it is a fairly common Thai dish…but to me it was very exotic.   Wonderful!!   But be careful, it was way more spicy than either of us was used to. But, that was a spicy plate of goodness.  Next time we will definitely order it with less “heat”. :)

   Washington DC Trip 032   image

If you like Thai food…this restaurant comes highly recommended.

     Washington DC Trip 033

And we had built- in entertainment.  This guy thought he was a real “wheeler-dealer”.  Talked on his cell phone almost the whole time.  Then his blind date showed up and he had lots to tell her about how impressive he was and the fabulous life he was living.   And now for a close up of “the pants”.

Washington DC Trip 034

He was Mr. Fabulous!  Now, personally, I think these pants belong on golf course.  But who knows, maybe we were sitting next to the next PGA Golf Champion and didn’t know it?   (I hope Karma doesn’t come after me and post a photo of me in something hideous that I might be wearing and post it to a blog!)  Still, I couldn’t resist snapping the photo.  :)


  1. I'm a big fan of madras but this guy did look a little out of place sitting at a bar....I would have loved to seen a picture of his blind date....the poor thing...
    And don't we bloggers have alot of nerve withour cameras....we'll take pictures of anything...I found myself at the gorcery store yesterday snapping pictures of a bag of potatoes that cost $6.99 for 5 pounds!! I figure I could use it in a future post about the economy....Have a great week...Sue.

  2. nice pants. lol. And too loud for our course. ha. But the foodie pic on top looks delicious!

  3. I have only had thai food once. It was clearly a bad example as I have never heard bad things said about it.

    The version I had was salty. So salty my mouth hurt. bleuuurgh.


  4. Love the food but those plaid pants have to go!

  5. That looks delicious!

    Great photos-

    White Spray Paint

  6. Hi Lisa!
    I had my first
    {and best} Thai
    food in a little
    family-run restaurant
    in Chicago and have
    been spoiled for all
    that has come since!
    I absolutely love the
    flavor combinations,
    such as peanuts, lemongrass
    and the amazing curries.
    Happy Wednesday!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Pants man was too

  7. Ha! Love those pants too Lisa.

    The food looks so tasty. I have never had it before. I enjoy chinese food so I'm sure I would like it as well.

    Have a great day!
    ~Melissa :)

  8. I'm thinking he might not get a second date, after showing up in madras (geez) and yammering about his fabulousness. - HollyM

  9. I doubt if all of these Mai Thai's are owned by the same people, but we have one in Lexington that is FANTASTIC. I am a huge fan of their pad thai, with one star of course. And we have a place called iChing that has the most amazing Drunken Noodles! Although I feel like I'm missing out on the experience because there was no man in horrible plaid golf pants at the bar. I'm glad you got pictures though. Good blogger! ;)

  10. those look DELISH! Must try like now! Thanks for stopping by the other day. Love your blog and I am a new follower! Have a great day!
    XOXO Jessica
