
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Barstool From Goodwill

 Goodwill Barstool 023

I found a black barstool at Goodwill for $10.00 the other day.  I have seen this type of barstool there before and usually they are a bit cheaper but they seemed kind of rickety to me and they were not painted.  This one was already painted black which saved me the step of having to spray paint it.  All I needed to do was wash it and then use some sandpaper to distress some of the edges.  Very easy.

Kitchen Counter Stools 018

Whenever we have people over we always seem to hang out in the kitchen and usually its around the kitchen counter.  I only have 3 counter height barstools.  I thought 3 looked better when I bought them many years ago and now that I think I might want another I can’t find them anymore.  Besides,  I also didn’t want 4 barstools because I though it would look too crowded and the stools would always be bumping into each other.   But lately I have been thinking that it would be nice to have one or two extra stools to keep out in the garage and then pull them out when company comes over.  So when I saw the barstool at Goodwill for cheapness I grabbed it.

Goodwill Barstool 016     Goodwill Barstool 019

After I cleaned it up and used some sandpaper on it to distress it a bit, I wiped on a poly-stain to age all of the distressed areas and to give the entire barstool a glossier finish.  After it was dry, I whipped out my number stencils. 

Goodwill Barstool 024

It looks like I might need a finishing spray on the seat.  I’ts looking slightly dull in this photo.  I have a clear spray sealer that will take care of that.  So, yes I have another piece that is marked with a number.   I think I am starting to run out of ideas on what I can put a number on.  I said “starting”.  I still feel I have a few more numbering tricks up my sleeve.   :)


  1. I have two of those stools and they are still pine colored! I should get busy and paint them black, yours looks great.

  2. Perfect! It looks perfect! Wish I were handy with paint.

  3. What a great find, and I love what you did to spiff it up. I don't know if I'd spray the seat with a protective finish or not.... I kind of like the idea of letting it distress naturally. Anyway, great find!


  4. Perfect!! And how lucky you were to find it already painted black!

    LOVE numbers!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. I like your numbers! You have an eye for beauty.

    I also love to see pictures of your dog. So sweet!

  6. What a cute idea. Any special significance to the #724? I'm just nosy like that :-)

  7. I saw that someone asked the same question but do the numbers actually mean anything? I love numbers or any kind of work art but I was just wondering.

  8. Sorry but I don't have any fun little story behind the numbers. I just liked they way they looked. :)

  9. I think the three barstools look good. I like them spaced out some.

    And knowing you, you have NOT run out of places to put numbers;-)

  10. Love the stool....724 were the house numbers of my childhood home!

  11. Love it! You did a great job, and for $10, wow!

  12. Very nice! And I loved the learning to draw post. You never cease to amaze me.

  13. Oh I LOVE it!! What an awesome job you did on this. I just love the rustic look. Fabulous job girlie.

  14. You can never have too many numbers I say :) Love the barstool!
