
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday Randomness

Today on my way to Kernersville, I saw a sign for Possum Stew.  Oh, yes I did!

I have a friend who always said beware of cities that end in “ville”.  Now I think I know what she means.

We only had 27 Trick or Treaters.  I counted.   I used to run out of candy. Kind of sad.  The kids in the neighborhood all grew up.

My husband is half a world away in China on a marathon business trip.  It’s going to be a long 3 weeks.

And no, I have no desire to go with him to China someday.  No offense but it does not appeal to me at all.

I still have 3 tomatoes left from my garden.

My new Wii Fit Plus is slowly becoming my friend.  We got off to a rocky start. 

My new kitchen dining table has a knot in the wood in the center of the table.  It’s not something I can’t live with it but hope the company I purchased it from does the right thing and gives me a new table top.

Teenagers sleep a lot.

So do Golden Retrievers.

Saw the Orthodontist this week and I am now  sporting a sassy pair of rubber bands.   Oh, the indignities of being an adult with braces.

Eating a lot of soup.  And drinking smoothies. 

I miss eating nuts.

I wish Panera would bring out their Forest Mushroom Soup.  I have been waiting patiently.

I’ve never been to NYC before.  Think I’d like to go there one day.

Boursin cheese is now coming in a new package.  I don’t like it as much.

The idea of pulling out all the Christmas decorations makes me tired just thinking about it. 

The geraniums on my front porch are beautiful right now.  Sadly, their days are numbered.

Daylight Savings Time really throws me off.

The CD Player in my car has locked up with 6 of my favorite CDs in it and I can’t get them out.

Have you seen the new Anthropologie Catalog?  It’s kind of disturbing.  Has the look of a creepy dream.


  1. Love reading your Saturday randomness!!
    I live in a city that ends in "ville"....I wonder what that means :)
    I'm going to have to check out that Anthropology catalog!
    Hope you're having a great weekend....sorry your hubby is away for so long.

  2. Possum stew! No way! Absolutely no way. LOL


  3. Great Saturday randomness! And yes, I just received a copy of the new Anthropologie catalog and thought that it was really weird and also wondered why they are changing their look.


  4. Funny. I've noticed that same quality in towns that end with 'ville'. Oh, and our mall just opened an Anthropologie store. What is it?

  5. I'll pass on the stew, thank you very much :) Sounds like the same type of thoughts that run through my mind on a daily basis.


  6. This was too funny....sorta like my "this that and the other thing" posts I do but with a little touch of Andy Rooney....You have never been to NYC....Oh, everybody needs to go there if only just once...just like Paris. Only NY has street hot dogs...I don't think Paris offers those.

  7. I loved reading your Saturday Randomness post.

    I'll pass on the stew.

    Glad I don't live in a "ville".

    We had ZERO trick or treaters, but lots of candy.

    I wish my kitchen table would spontaneously combust.

    I love NY, so will you.

    Christmas, already???

    My planters out front have dead flowers in them.

    The End of Daylight Saving Time is my favorite day of the year. Hooray for one extra hour of sleep!!!


  8. Great random thoughts. I've never tried the the mushrom soup but it sounds much yummier the possum stew. I am enjoying my ertra hour to myself for daylight savings time but it does take a few days to adjust.

  9. Saw the same sign! In fact it was there last year and I snapped a picture to send to my friends in PA who had just given me a "Road Kill" cookbook when I moved to NC! Kernersville is not THAT bad- I have found a nice consignment shop that I like to browse from time to time.

  10. I see we have some random things in common. The geraniums, Anthro, China, mushroom soup, teenagers, Christmas. Thanks for being random :)


  11. Teenagers do sleep a lot. I have one!

    I don't want to go to China either.

    I wouldn't want the table with the knot in it either!

    I want a WII fit.

    I agree about the Christmas decorations.

    I want to go to NYC at Christmastime.

    I hope you enjoyed your Saturday. I love random post:)

  12. Dittoooooo.....could identify with pretty much everything you said...especially the China, geraniums and pulling out the Christmas decor....exhausting. I said I'd never been to NYC until March 2009 (and I'm 52)... and I'm SO glad I finally can say I've been...I hope you can get that trip planned soon!

  13. You gave me the first laugh of the day. Amen to all!

  14. You are too funny! I did not know about that soup at Panera, but I am there all the time so I am going to be on the lookout!

  15. I left a ville, and am happier for it.

    Your list was fun. :)

  16. 27? We had that x 10. Seriously, it was crazy! I hope the 3 weeks goes by quickly for you.

    Have a great rest of your Sunday.


  17. I had to check out the online version of the Anth catalog and my goodness!! It's so bizarre! Very Alice in Wonderland-ish. Sort of neat but yeah, creepy.
