
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mini Christmas Trees


Christmas mini trees 001

I had such a nice day yesterday.  First, I didn’t work so right there you know it was a fun day.  And second, I spent the day Christmas shopping with my husband who also took the day off.  This is something we never do.  And we should more often!

We had a nice leisurely morning after getting our son off to school.  We headed over to Winston-Salem for a change of scenery from Greensboro and shopped a bit and then had lunch at The Village Tavern.  I LOVE their Tavern House Salad so much that I rarely order anything else.  I cannot figure out how they make their salad dressing but it’s so delicious.  It’s a vinaigrette of some kind and no one will tell me what their secret is. 

Anyway,  after lunch we stopped at Salem Creek which is a Christmas decor store that is open year round.  Those who have been there before will know just how much my husband must love me because it is not a fun place for a man.  I call it a “girlfriend” store.  The kind of place that you and a girlfriend could get lost in for hours at a time.  It’s full of trees, and ornaments, and anything and everything you could want for your home at Christmas time.  Usually, when my husband shops in stores like this with me he makes me crazy.  I call him “Lurch” because he just follows me around and tries to hurry me out the door.  But, I have to say, today was different.  He was a great shopper today and that was a gift to me! 

Christmas mini trees 008

While shopping in the Christmas store I found these mini trees.  They are only about 12 inches high and they were $4.00 each.  I’ll take three please!  I had no clue what I was going to do with them.  I still don’t really.   But I do think they look great in my pots.  I just cleaned them out a few days ago from what I had growing in them this summer.  The cold and snow finished them off last week.   They are the perfect size.

Christmas mini trees 004

And I just love how they photographed.  It was about 4:00 PM and the late afternoon light was coming in the windows.  I think it looks like I did something fancy with my camera but believe me if you saw my camera you would know better.  I think I just lucked out on the light and had good timing

  Christmas mini trees 012

So how should I decorate them?  Any ideas??   I would love to hear any and all of  your  “mini” ideas.    THANKS!


  1. I love these trees..... and the day off from work with your price!!!

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  4. Oh my, you just named two of my favorite places. My in-laws lived in Farmington, NC for a long while. We used to eat at the Village Tavern all the time and I loved it. Salem Creek--my favorite place to go in WS. I’ve found many wonderful things in that store over the years and your’re right...not a husband kinda store so good for him. I love your trees and the pots are just perfect.
    Amy :)

  5. They look great, and how nice to go shopping with hubby, that's something I haven't done in months either!
    Have a great Saturday.

  6. Cute trees...(I like your pots) the simplicity of the way they are now looks great!! I love girlfriend stores like that too!!

  7. Great little trees. I might put them on a window sill in the kitchen or even on the mantel with some mini LED lights. You made me chuckle with the Lurch comment. I now have a name for what my husband does in stores when we are together.

  8. They are very cute. I don't know what I would do with them. Maybe you could decorate them and put one in the bathroom etc. Would they live in a darker area?

  9. Sweet, sweet, sweet little trees. Keep them simple. Perhaps just one tiny string of colored beads or popcorn. They speak volumes just the way they are.


  10. i thought they were real at first glance! what a deal and....such pretty pots. :)

    glad you enjoyed your salad and shopping!

  11. Sounds like a lovely day for you and your Mr.

    I think the trees are really cute they way they are. I might add some snow.


  12. What sweetie pie your Hubby was to be so patient with you. As for your trees, I love them just the way the are. They're perfect!

  13. Sounds like a perfect day, Lisa! I like the trees even as is.

  14. Love the trees and the containers are amazing. I might have to go to that store one day. Girl you are just up the road from me - I go through Greensboro all the time.
    I live in Sanford, NC. How cool and how small the world is right?
    We might have to hook up and do some bloggy girl stuff sometime.

  15. What a great day that must have been. Love those trees. My geraniums finally died last week and now the pots on the front porch look pitiful. I might stuff them with magnolia.

