
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It’s a shiny new year and I am wanting to feel the fresh new start-ness of 2011 but it’s kind of hard when I still have the remnants of Christmas 2010 hanging around.  One Christmas tree is now naked but the other one is still full of ornaments.  I really need to just set aside the couple of hours needed to finish the job but I’m just not in the mood!   I am feeling a bit un-inspired lately.  After the go, go, go of the holidays I guess that’s natural. 

I still haven’t put any resolutions down on paper quite yet….still thinking.  Of course there are the usual resolutions of eating healthy, getting more organized, loosing weight, reading more, having more fun etc….but I want to identify more concretely what exactly I can do to make it all happen.  I am also thinking about what direction to take my blog.  I have met the nicest people through blogging and hope to continue to meet new people, and find new projects to make,  and try new recipes.   I want to take better and more beautiful photos. I want to experiment more, try new things, and do good things in the world.  Now it’s time for me to figure out the details of how to make that all happen. 

It’s a shiny and new year. 

I did get a raise at work.  I think that qualifies as a good start don’t you? :)


  1. A raise is always a good start, Lisa! I still have to do all my stuff, too. I'm hoping to do a little bit each night after work and be done before the weekend comes around.

    I want to get a bit better at pictures, too, and have decided to see if my school's Adult Ed program {which I also teach a course for} has one in photography for beginners. If they do, I am going to sign up for it.

  2. Congrats on your raise! Now go buy some art supplies and put your creative juices to work!

  3. Yea for the raise! That's a great start to year.

    I'm finishing up my goals for the year. I want to make some changes in the year ahead.


  4. Congrats on the raise! Taking better pictures is on my list of 'to-dos' for 2011 too. Please share any tips you figure out! Happy New Year!

  5. Way to go on your raise:) Don't worry about feeling uninspired. I think it is a combination of wintertime blues and the end of the holiday season. Just take your time. It will all come together.

    I am one to talk, aren't I? LOL!

  6. Congrats Lisa on the raise--that is wonderful news. As for the rest of your post-I could have written the same one today. I am feeling a little uninspired since the holidays came to an abrupt end. I’m feeling a need for something to excite me-other than the long wait to spring. I have general ideas in my mind for my goals but haven’t hammered them out yet. I’m sure we will get there--I am just rolling with this blahness for a week :) LOL

  7. I hear you loud and clear! All of my Christmas is still up, too many disruptions and stress going on to worry about that. Resolutions are not in my vocabulary, but do want to make changes. Life can be so over whelming sometimes. Maybe we just need a raise every month for a good "pick me up"!
    Congratulations, pat yourself on the back and rejoice in the moment. The rest will come!

  8. Congrats for you on the raise! That is great! I always leave our tree up til atleast Jan 7th. My mother told me that will bring the good luck from last year into the new one. I just can't seem to go against that.

    I wouldn't push yourself though. Seems like everyone feels this way. I know I do. Atleast you know you have to make a plan. That is a great idea!

  9. Holiday here are not ended...tomorrow the three Kings are coming to our cribs and trees are still decorated.... till next Sunday!!!...And I'm going to feel like you today!!! hags, Flavia
