I find the sound of Rachel Ray’s voice to be incredibly annoying. Right up there with nails on a chalkboard.
My dog smells like a cross between dirty socks and popcorn.
I rescued a $517.00 chunk of Parmesan Reggiano from certain doom today.
I have discovered the world of free podcasts on I-tunes. And I love my Nano.
My son is in the 11th grade and I still have to bring “snacks” for the whole Tennis team tomorrow. It never ends!
Two bags of grapes that were on sale still cost me $11.78. Eating healthy is expensive. Period.
I love the Chicken Cobb salad at Panera.
I planted potatoes in my garden yesterday.
The cherry and crab apple trees are blooming right now. Beautiful.
The news from Japan is overwhelming and yet I continue to watch.
I am convinced that Greensboro, NC has the worst radio stations in the entire country.
Random comment... I'm most curious about #3, do tell:@)
ReplyDeleteMy mom can't stand Rachael's voice either. Sometimes it grates on me, but I can usually deal.
ReplyDeleteMy dog smells like corn chips.
Let us know how the potatoes go!
I can't stand Rachael Ray's voice either, I also think her recipe books are horrible.
ReplyDeleteI love Panera! I also love crab apples! Will you send me some when they are ready for picking?
Now I have to listen to Rachel Ray's voice, never noticed. My dog just smells dirty! Liked this post:)
I agree about Rachel Ray and I know exactly what your dog smells like!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is funny and I miss Greensboro.
ReplyDeleteHad Rachael's voice.
ReplyDeleteLove Panera' chicken salad.
Don't have a dog, but love my sister's Westie.
Cherry trees and Bradford pears are in bloom.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
Totally agree with #1, and can you believe I've never eaten at Panera! Am I missing out?
ReplyDeleteI cannot stand to hear or see Rachel Ray talk, laugh, cook, eat, etc!!!!
ReplyDeleteI miss Panera. :( They have the best bagels ever! Never had any of their salads. I'll have to give them a try next time I get to go to one of their restaurants.
The radio stations in Virginia are even worse than the ones in Greensboro. Trust me, I know this for a fact!
I miss North Carolina ~ BAD!!! :(
You made me laugh today, thank you!
OMG, her voice drives me insane! I watch her on mute!!! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, what's with the Parmesan Reggiano rescue?
Great post. Agree on #1. What happened with the cheese?
LOL! Rachel Ray's voice makes me crazy too and could someone PLEASE alert her to the fact that there are some excellent brands of decaf on the market. Her hyper behavior gets on my last nerve. (She is cute as a button though.)
ReplyDeleteLOVE it!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd RR voice....I cannto stand it either. Ugggg
I'm curious about #3 also. The trees are gorgeous!! Greensboro's radio stations aren't the best but what about the front page story today? Surely there has got to be more interesting news than getting married in front of Herbies and wearing combat boots with your gown!!
ReplyDeleteI laughed at more of these than was proper.
ReplyDeleteEVOO......Why does she always say that followed by the words themselves??? Lady...say one or the other!
ReplyDeleteShe is not a fav of mine at all.
I would like to see photos of the $517.00 hunk of cheese ;-)
Loved this post
Janet xox
Yeah, Rachael annoys me too. She didn't used to back in the day when she was doing just 30 Minute Meals, but I almost can't stand to watch or listen when to her when her talk show is on.
ReplyDeleteInteresting smell combination regarding your dog ;o)
I know, that whole snack thing with sports teams is assinine after the age of, like, 6. A few years back on my youngest son's football team, the team mom wanted us to alternate bringing snacks and drinks . . . for 27 kids. I refused. I told her we supported the concession stand. I'm pretty sure after that I was labled the team b****h mom!
Our early spring blooming trees aren't quite read to pop yet. I can't wait!
What a horrific tragedy in Japan. It's heart wrenching.
Thaks for sharing! It was fun. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Lisa!
Rachel's voice is better after she had that polyp removed. Good lord! I didn't think she'd ever get that fixed.
ReplyDeleteMy new puppy smells like roasted peanuts and fritos. She smelled good right after her bath, but only 5 days later and it's eau de junk food for her.