
Friday, May 27, 2011

Out With The Old, In With The New


Lights for outdoors 009

It only took us 10 years to find a Handyman. You know the drill.  You get a name, you call him.  He takes days to call you back, if at all.  If he calls you back and he says he’ll stop by, he usually doesn’t.  It’s so aggravating.  Honestly,10 years. But, we finally found him and now all of those projects that we have been putting off are slowly getting checked off the list.  I love my husband, but “handy” he is not.:) Our new Handyman has already fixed the rotting wood on the bottom of the front porch columns, a damaged door frame on the deck, and today he replaced the front porch lights! 

Lights for outdoors 006 Lights for outdoors 014 

BEFORE                                                                                                             AFTER

Lights for outdoors 010

What do you think?  Like em?  Just in time for Memorial Day!   We are starting the weekend off  with a Happy Hour with some friends/neighbors and our daughter is coming home from school for the weekend.  I have a big long grocery list to take care of today and two cheese stops to make.  I love three day weekends!  Hope you all have some fun plans and have a great weekend!


  1. I could use that handyman at our place! I love the new lights....great choice.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I really like those lights! I need some new ones since one got smashed in a wind storm this winter. I need a handyman too. My husband is extremely handy. In fact, he's a contractor. It's like being married to a mechanic and having the worst running car on the block!

  3. LOVE your new lights! Oh how I wish I could find a handyman, I have a ton of little projects that need to be done! Happy Memorial Day Weekend:@)

  4. I love those lights. They really look great!

  5. I really like the new lights. I happen to have a handy man at home and it makes the world of difference. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. So true about finding a good handyman!

    I have been trying to get my back screen door installed husband is very capable but the poor thing commutes 2 hours in and back everyday and I hate to load him up with extra jobs on his days off.

    Your get together with family and friends sounds lovely...enjoy.

    Have a great weekend.

    Janet xox

  7. Loving the after. Funny how a relatively small detail can make such a difference in the look/feel of a home.

  8. We just replaced our lights with the same ones! I really like them.
