
Monday, June 27, 2011

Orzo Confetti Salad


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It would not be summer around here if I wasn’t carting this delicious salad off to a cookout or two! I make this all the time. Year round but mostly in the summertime. 

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It’s quick and easy and really different from what you find at most cook outs.  And it’s pretty to look at which is important since we eat with our eyes too.  :) 

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You can serve it in a big colorful bowl or spread it out on a platter.  I always set a dish of Feta cheese next to it when I am serving  it so that those who like Feta can top their salad with it. 

Here’s the recipe:

Orzo Confetti Salad

1 pound of orzo

1 lemon

1 red bell pepper, diced in very small pieces

1 15 oz. can of sweet corn, drained

1 package of fresh Chives

1/2 cup olive oil

2 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar

Salt and pepper

Feta Cheese (optional)

Boil the orzo pasta in salted water till tender.  (The salt will help add flavor.)  Drain but do not rinse and then place in a bowl.   Squeeze the juice of half of a large lemon or 1 small lemon over the orzo while it is warm.  Add the corn, red pepper and chives.  (I use a pair of kitchen scissors to snip the Chives.)  Add the olive oil and mix.  Add the Balsamic vinegar and mix the salad well.  Add salt and pepper.  Taste the salad before adding the salt.  It might already be salty enough from the salted boiling water.  Add more salt if needed to taste.

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This makes a great main dish salad too when you serve it with grilled chicken or one of my favorites…Marinated Flank Steak.    Enjoy!


  1. So...the orzo salad and all of the macaroons are making me want to give up this silly Paleo diet and just exercise a lot more. Like a LOT more. And I need more friends to give the stuff away to because I would just snack on them until I weighed 400 lbs. But the pictures are beautiful and the recipes are so easy. Esp the orzo. Which I may try after I deem just *one* day non-Paleo!

  2. This looks delicious! I love anything with corn!
    ~Rachel H

  3. Another great looking dish! It sounds delicious and like you said, it's pretty to look at too!

  4. We love orzo and I make a salad very similar to yours. Actually mine isn't mine at all but Ina Garten. Your macaroons look wonderful also.

  5. That looks so yummy, your photos are great

  6. Delicious and so pretty. I used fresh corn since I bought it so I could try your mushroom ravioli recipe tomorrow night. Thanks for the great recipe
