
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Buttermilk Pancakes

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I never really liked pancakes when I was growing up as a kid.  I blame it on Bisquick.   Pancakes made with Bisquick were tough and heavy.    And I never felt good after eating them.  Heavy and bloated is a good description of how I remember feeling after eating them.  So, pancakes were never a first choice for breakfast even later on when I was older until I tried this recipe for Buttermilk Pancakes. 

They come out light and delicious every time and I have been making pancakes with this recipe for years.  When my kids were smaller I would double the recipe and then keep the leftovers in the refrigerator for a few days or freeze them. 

Do you ever make breakfast for dinner?  This recipe is good for  that.   I think the secret to why these taste so light and tender is a combination of the buttermilk and to not overbeat the batter.    The fewer strokes/whisks the better.  The batter will be lumpy but that is okay.

Buttermilk Pancakes

2 Cups of flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

2 1/2 cups buttermilk

2 Tbsp. canola oil

2 eggs, beaten

Preheat your griddle to 350 degrees or medium high heat.  Mix together the dry ingredients in a large bowl. 

Make a well in the middle and add the buttermilk, eggs, and canola oil.  Mix well by hand with a wish but be careful not to overbeat.  If  the mix is unusually thick, add some more buttermilk and even a small bit of water  if you like until it is a thinner consistency.

  Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to pour your pancake mix onto the hot griddle.  It will almost time to flip them when you see small bubbles form in each pancake.  Take your pancake flipper and lift up the side of one of your pancakes and take a peak at it underneath.  If it’s a nice golden brown, flip them all over to cook on the other side.    Serve hot or stack on a plate to cool.  Let cool completely before freezing them. 

When I double the recipe, I only add one additional egg for a total of 3 eggs and I only increase the canola oil from 2 tablespoons to 3 tablespoons.  The rest of the recipe I just double. 

Don’t forget the syrup and the bacon!   (And drizzle some syrup on your bacon.  So good!)  Enjoy.


  1. We love pancakes and bacon, but you are right. They always leave me with a bloated feeling. Will try your recipe and see if it takes care of the problem for me. :-)

  2. THANK YOU for this delicious recipe.
    This I shall use tomorrow for breakfast
    What perfect timing.
    Wishing you a delightful weekend
    Helen xx

  3. Oh this looks VERY good! Once in a great while I treat myself to a big stack of pancakes and every time I do, I wonder why I don't do it more often..hummm, maybe tomorrow morning!

  4. Hi Lisa, how are you??? I use only buttermilk pancakes recipe...and I love it.... have a great it's still warm Summer.,... hugs, Flavia

  5. Sounds great. I have always taken the easy way out with the Bisquick batter but I will try these. My son will thank me!!

  6. I agree! Except Bisquick came out with a gluten-free version and it's sooo much better! Lighter and fluffier and if fried in olive oil (weird I know) you get the delicious, crispy edges.
