
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Pumpkins and Porches


Pumpkins are starting to pop up at the markets around here and I’ll probably be picking up mine this weekend.  While browsing around the web I came across some pumpkin decorating ideas.  Most of the ideas here today are from Martha Stewart Magazine’s website.  

I like the idea of sticking a pot of Mum’s in a hollowed out pumpkin like in the photo above although this couldn’t be done until a day or two right before Halloween.


I just love these witch pumpkins.  Looks like they were painted black and a small gourd was attached for the nose.  The hat would be easy to make and actually I have a couple of witch hats in the Halloween box that I think I would use for this.  Cute idea!


I like the simple black silhouette shapes.  I think to do this I would stencil on the shape using black paint and then it looks like the dark orange skin of the pumpkin was “etched” away. 


I love the idea of using a bird bath as a pedestal for the pumpkin in this photo.

These next few images were found on the Better Homes and Gardens website.


Love these black bats on the mini white pumpkins and suspending them on the mini shepherd hooks is a great idea.  I think I would get one of those picture hanger loop hooks that screw in and thread the twine through it instead of tying to the stem.  I know from experience that the stems often break off.


Now if I could just find a small wooden wheelbarrow…..

image image

And this is a great idea.  The first photo is from Better Homes and Gardens and the second is from Sunset.  I would guess that you would need to use a dowel rod to attach them all together.   Chop stix would probably work here.  At least that’s how I would do it.  :)


You can’t go wrong with a combination of pumpkins, gourds, and mums lining the steps to your front porch and a wreath on your front door.

image image

And finally,  witch’s feet!  Cute.  Easy to paint I would think.  And how about putting some masks on your pumpkins.  Simple and cute.  It’s still early for Halloween but the way our weather has been lately I am definitely in a Fall-ish mood.    Did you get your pumpkins yet?


  1. My preferred is the wooden wheelbarrow.... it's very very nice....ciao Flavia

  2. oh, the masks are wonderful.. wonder if they were purchased somewhere or homemade?

  3. Fab photos, I love the one with the bats on, I would never have thought to hang the pumpkins, but I might try it.

  4. So pretty, really makes me want to decorate for fall but since we are moving in a month, its not happening in this house. Lovely inspiration!

  5. I'm up and running w/ fall fever but no, I haven't bought any pumpkins. Tomorrow we're headed for a high of 93 so they would go bad pretty quickly. I love the tiny ones to use in the house but haven't seen any pumpkin patches yet.

  6. My favorite time of year for front porch them all, especially the witches legs!

    janet xox

  7. To warm and humid for my pumpkins to make their appearance yet, but love all the inspiration. Those are some great ideas.

  8. Hi Lisa....thanks for stopping by to see my new pool...I have been crazy nutz with moving in to the new house and now the girls are here and they are keeping me hoping...I cannot wait till I have time to myself to get back to reading all my blogs....This post is terrific....Now that I have a nice new porch the two lone pumpkins I put out the other day look pathetic....I think I will have daughter paint those witch stockings on them.....I'm now going to read your posts backwards so I can see what's up with that fabulous pillow I just saw....Sue.
