
Monday, November 28, 2011

Cranberry Pecan Orzo Salad with Chives

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This is my new winter salad.  It’s just the thing to make this time of year.  It’s easy, delicious and pretty to look at especially for the holidays.  The deep red cranberries and the green chives make it perfect to serve at a party this time of year and that’s exactly what I am planning to do.

We are hosting the dinner part of a 3 part holiday progressive dinner party.  The idea of the party is a great one.  Especially since may of us in our neighborhood are not from here and most do not have family around to share the holidays with.  I think the idea originally started so that we could all take turns stopping by each other’s house and see the Christmas decorations and Christmas trees.  The dinner is called the Tree Parade and everybody gets to host one part of the dinner every three years.  I can’t believe it’s our turn again

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We will start out at someone else’s house for appetizer’s and drinks.  Then proceed to our house for the main course.  Then we will finish the night up at a third house for desserts and after dinner drinks.   I have decided that for our part, I am going to serve lasagna, a couple of salads, and an assortment of breads and rolls. 

One of the salads I am going to serve is this Cranberry Pecan Orzo Salad with Chives.    I made a batch as a trial run and got the thumb’s up from everyone including my daughter who I will be send a large portion back with her when she heads back to finish up the semester at school. 

Here’s the recipe:

Cranberry Pecan Orzo Salad with Chives

1 16 oz. package of orzo pasta.

1/2 cup olive oil

2 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar

1/2 cup of dried cranberries, chopped into small pieces

1/2 cup of toasted pecans, chopped into small pieces

1 bunch of chives.

t tsp.Salt

1/2 tsp pepper

Prepare the orzo according to the directions on the package.  I added some salt to the water to help add some extra flavor.  While the orzo is cooking, chop up the dried cranberries and pecans.  I toasted my pecans in the oven at 350 on a foil lined cookie sheet for about 12 minutes for extra crunch and flavor.  Be careful not too burn them.

Drain your orzo pasta and move to a large mixing bowl.  Add the cranberries and pecans.  Add the olive oil and mix well.  Then add the Balsamic Vinegar and mix well.  Take your chives and with a pair of kitchen shears, snip the chives into small pieces and add to the salad.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Taste and adjust the salt and pepper if needed. 

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And serve with,                         or without Feta cheese.  Delicious. 


  1. Yum! We used to do a similar party in our neighborhood but it grew so big that it was hard to coordinate. I miss it. Hope you have a lot of fun at yours.

  2. This looks so festive. I am a huge fan of cranberries and I can't wait to try this one out. The progressive dinner is such a nice idea.

  3. This looks delicious, I'm on a huge cranberry kick, so's my friend Susan @ From Beyond My Kitchen Window . . . and I see she's already been here! We took a ride to the local bog and she picked up about 3 lbs. of these little ruby gems!

    I'll definitely be giving this salad a try!

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. My daughter sent me the link to this. I'm definitely trying it!

  5. This winter salad looks so good and it seems to be something even I can do. I of course will be using the feta, because we seem to be topping everything with it these days. Glad I stumbled onto your blog.

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