
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Reason To Love Target

Rag Quilt Yellow and Red 051

Another reason for me to love Target presented itself to me yesterday.  The Target near my house is in the process of turning into a super version of itself and while there are huge dumpsters and trailers in the parking lot, there is no evidence of the construction during the day when I go there to shop.  They must be doing all of the work at night while most of us are sleeping.  I love that.  So yesterday, because I was wandering around Target, not knowing where anything was because the whole store was being rearranged, I really took a good look at all of their “stuff”. 

I found this aromatherapy diffuser.  They had candles too and I was able to sniff all of their scents and this yellow one called Happiness caught my eye and my nose.  I swear the scent of this one is the same one that you find at Anthropology in that very pretty and expensive mercury glass candle that they sell.  I love that scent.  And the packaging is very Anthropology-esque  too if you ask me   My dilemma was whether to pick the candle or this diffuser.  The diffuser won.

A very good find. :) Price: $12.99. 


  1. Pretty tulips too! One of my favorite flowers.

  2. Hi Lisa. Do you happen to be talking about the one on New Garden Rd? So far, I like what they've done. It seems like they've added more home decor than what they used to carry in the store - which is a good thing!

  3. Thanks for the tip, I'll look for them next time I'm there. The yellow tulips are beautiful. I'm ready for spring!


  4. Can wait to sniff that! Happy to have found your lovely blog!

  5. You know, I've only been into Target about 3 times!!! I hear about all these great buys and I just never think to pop in! Thanks for the tip, I'm always looking for a bargain!

  6. Thanks for this tip, Lisa. I'm definitely going to Target to look for this diffuser.

  7. I too am a Target fan. There paper goods section for parties is always fun. The shabby chic sheets are awesome there as well.
