
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It’s a Good Time to Buy Cheese


Busy day in the cheese caves today.  This is one of many displays that we started to build.  Take five wheels of Parmesan Reggiano, each weighing in at about 80 pounds and close to a $1200 price tag each, add lot’s of cutting and wrapping, and I am a tired girl.  Tomorrow there will be chunks of wrapped cheese cascading down this display and it goes on sale  at your local Harris Teeter for $9.99/lb.  Now that’s a deal.  Time to stock up.


And look how pretty this wheel of Gruyere is.  It begged me to take its picture.  So I did. 


  1. Cheese is such a weakness of mind. What i wouldn't do for a huge chunk of the Reggiano.

  2. Looks great and I bet tastes delicious! Would love to see the display when you're finished.

  3. I love Parmigiano Reggiano it's so a delicious cheese!!
    Have a nice day

  4. I'm a little bit confused. Have you started making cheese in my absence?

  5. Mmmm...I love cheese. I bought some Gruyere a few days ago. Gonna make Ina's mac 'n cheese. Boy, what I wouldn't do for a wheel of that parm/reg! Shame for me the closest HT is almost two hours away.
