
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Flower Urns and Happy Dogs

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Today I found a pair of urns at Tuesday Morning that I just love.  I first saw them in a sale flyer they sent to me in the mail.  I knew I wanted them right then.  So,  I went to my local Tuesday Morning and there were no urns to be seen.  I asked the store clerk and she told me they wouldn’t be in until the following Tuesday on May 1st.  Hmm…so that’s why it’s called Tuesday Morning.  :)  Well, I forgot all about them and then today as I stopped at a sandwich shop I noticed a Tuesday Morning right next door to the shop.  In I went and out I came with two of these beautiful gold urns.  The sales flyer showed three colors; gold, red, and a bright green.  I wanted the green.  They were a bright lime/French green but the store I was in only had the gold and one red one.  The red was a VERY dark burgundy color.  So, I picked up the more practical gold urns and now that I have them home I am happy I did.  And if I decide I want to got the French green route someday, there’s always spray paint.    These are a great buy at $24.99 each and they are huge.  And they are made of fiberglass so they are  extremely light. 

After I got home with them, I changed out of my work clothes and headed to A&A Plants and picked up some red geraniums, lobelia,  ivy, and some spikes.  (Do spike plants have name?)  Each urn took almost a whole bag of Miracle Grow Potting Soil.  I was going to put one of each side of my front door but they are so tall and large it was almost too much.  So, I placed one on my deck and kept one next to the front door.  I like the look. 

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It’s only May 3rd and I hate to complain about the heat already but lord it was hot today!  Even Oakley needed to be hosed down to cool her off.  That dog loves nothing better than to be hosed down with the icy cold water from the hose.    And after her cool down, she did a the Happy Dance on her back.

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One of my favorite flowers is blue Lobelia.  Each year I plant it in my planters and by the end of June they are cooked.  So this year the nice people out at A&A Plants suggested I try a new variety of Lobelia that they had that is more heat tolerant.  So I brought 4 pots of the new Lobelia home with me and I am hoping I can get them through the summer.  I’ll let you know how it goes. 

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Lobelia has the prettiest color blue.  So delicate looking and I love it when they spill out of a flower pot.  All of my pots are finally planted.  Feels good to have that done!  How about you?  Have you finished all your planting yet?


  1. I am almost done with mine. I should check out Tuesday morning.

  2. That gold pot is so pretty! I've got my hanging Boston ferns on the patio, so far that's it. It's super hot here in cajun country already.

  3. Great urns, Lisa! Love the lobelia. I just started buying some plants this week and did up an urn by my garage door and the basket on my outdoor table. I've been thinking of what I want to get to plant in the beds around the condo. Hydrangea bushes are on the list for sure, but I may just look for that lobelia, too!

  4. We were 89 degrees today here in Roanoke, VA and the day ended with a rain and thunderstorm and hail. I'm not ready for the heat of summer to arrive so hopefully things will be cooler tomorrow. Love the urn! The yellow color is yummy!

  5. Those are very pretty urns. Love the color. No pots planted here since we are moving. I miss that part of spring.

  6. I love those planters! I would have wanted the green too but the gold is very pretty.

    I love Lobelia, but it does not work for us in the desert.

    How have you been? You are always my inspiration for anything "fancy",including cooking and gardening and painting of any kind. Did you know that? I see a post from you and my face lights up! Thank you!

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  8. The urn looks great. We always plant Lobelia too. Living in New England we don't do any of our pots until after Memorial Day. It was 29 degrees one morning this week.
