
Sunday, July 8, 2012

A New Rag Quilt Under Construction


It’s going to be 100 degrees here again today and I have the whole day ahead of me.  I’ve started a new rag quilt and here is a quick preview.  I’ve got most of the pieces cut but I think I want to add one more fabric to the mix.  Thought it would be fun to go with the grays and yellows for this one.  This will keep me busy and indoors and out of the heat.  I also plan on over-dosing on Mad Men today too. :)


  1. Sounds like the perfect day to me, Lisa! I will be painting door frame moldings today. Yesterday I did quarter rounds for the base moldings because we put in new flooring. Too much excitement for me! ; ) I love your fabric choices. I have to go back to your original tutorial because I really liked the first one you made. I still have valances to finish off first, but this quilt will be on my list of things to make.

  2. My sister made me a flannel rag quilt and I love it. She almost made one for each of my kids when they went away to college. I love the colors you chose.

  3. I can't wait to see how your quilt comes out!! Pretty colors together! :) I've made two flannel baby quilts loved how those have turned out. xo Holly

  4. That's a nice blend of fabrics. Enjoy your day as well as your over dose of Mad Men!

  5. Ohh, love the colors!! My newest obsession is grey esp with yellow....can't wait to see it!

  6. Oooh - I love all of these fabrics mixed together!

  7. Your fabrics are so lovely! I will wait anxiously for your finished project.


  8. Love your fabrics!!! I recently found some yellow, gray and black fabric but I need to find some more gray with yellow.

  9. I'd love to be sewing Lisa. I found a rag quilt done in strips instead of squares and it looks beautiful so that is going to be my next one. Love your fabrics!I will try and blog it but I'm behind:( Take care
