
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

No Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake



Is Pinterest not a wonderful invention?!   Allow me to paint you a picture.  It’s the Fourth of July.  You have been invited to the annual Cook Out.  You have had many days notice of this.  You’re not sure what to bring.  You volunteer your usual Orzo, Corn, Red Pepper, and Chive Salad (also know as Orzo Confetti Salad), which everybody loves but you want to try something new.  Something fun, colorful, and delicious.  Where to turn?  This is where Pinterest comes in.  It’s time to go back to your boards and pick something from the many pins you have created and saved and make one!

I saw the recipe for this delicious No Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake just a week or so ago and thought it would be perfect for the Fourth of July Cook Out.  It’s from the blog called So How’s It Taste? She topped hers with drizzled, melted chocolate chips.  I’ll try that next time.I wanted to stick strickly to RED, WHITE, AND BLUE.


Here’s how it’s made.

No Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake

3 lbs. fresh strawberries, sliced
2 (8 oz.) tubs fat-free whipped topping (or use regular or light) (I used Cool Whip)
1 (14.4 oz.) box graham crackers
1/4 cup milk chocolate chip morsels (optional)

Spread a small amount of Cool Whip on the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch baking pan.  (I think glass looks the prettiest.)

IMG_1467     IMG_1476

Take a packet of graham crackers from the box and lay them one by one on top of the Cool Whip.  I used Homey Maid Grahams by Nabisco and  there were 3 packets in each box.  Each packet is the perfect amount for one layer and so my dessert was three layers high. 

Spread another thin layer of Cool Whip on the first layer of graham crackers, and then top the Cool Whip with sliced strawberries.


Layer two of the graham crackers is next.  Do your best to place them neatly.  It does not have to be perfect and a few holes here and there are fine.  Nobody is going to see them.  Spread more Cool Whip on layer two and top again with strawberries.  At this point, your dessert is getting close to the top of the dish.  Don’t’ worry.  Add that third layer.  It will fit. 

For the top and final layer.  I was more careful in placing the strawberries.  I wanted the more red outside of the strawberries to seen on the top so I hand placed them for the final layer.  At this point you can melt the chocolate chips in your microwave, put them in a small sandwich bag, snip off a point of the bag and drizzle the chocolate over the top of you dessert. That’s it!

Serves 12


This is the first year that our neighborhood won’t be having a fireworks display.  :( 

 But with it being so hot and dry, it’s probably a good thing.   We’ll just have to make the best of it.

Happy Fourth of July to you all!


  1. Sorry about your fireworks. Even with our horrible storm Roanoke had some fireworks last night... many towns are canceling due to dry conditions or simply not having the money this year. Who would have thought our economy would ever come to this...

    Your cake looks delicious!!

  2. That does look yummy. We didn't have fireworks one year when we had an extreme drought. Ours are on for this year and we finally had rain last night.

    Happy 4th!

  3. What a good looking and easy cake. I think that this is a great dessert to bring to a cook out because it can feed a good size group.

  4. That looks so yummy! I could go a piece right about now :)

    Our big festival is on for this weekend. We'll see what actually happens as we too have been without rain.

    PS ~ I agree about the mayo ... I'm not a big fan. I added just a little so it would be creamy without the heavy taste.

  5. I love it! It looks so delicious, I'll bet it was a huge hit! Who dosen't love strawberries!

  6. I've made this one before! It's good! There is also a chocolate eclair version made with vanilla pudding and chocolate frosting!

  7. Yum...made something similar (gluten free) recently and posted on my blog. I love using fruit in desserts...kind of makes you think it's healthy!

  8. I think vanilla wafers would be good, too.

  9. I think vanilla wafers would be good, too.
