
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It’s Time For Pickles!


I am running a little bit late this summer for my pickles but here they are!  My first batch of the season.

And it only made 6 jars.  And all 6 jars already have homes.

My kitchen and fingertips smell like fresh sliced cucumbers. 

Looks like I’ll be heading back to the Farmer’s Market for more cucumbers later this week to start another batch. 

Want to make a batch for yourself?  It’s easy and fun and you’ll make a lot of people smile.  Here’s the link to my Dill Pickle Chips Tutorial.  Good Luck!


  1. Your pickles look yummy. There is absolutely nothing any prettier to me than jars of home canning on a shelf. I get so much satisfaction out of canning. Yours are beautiful!

  2. Your pickles are beautiful, I know how much you enjoy making them-have fun:@)

  3. I love that your pickles are sliced cross wise. So much prettier to me.

  4. I have been making your pickles for 2 years now. I did 11 Quarts 2 weeks ago. My friends and family love them. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe. Lisa

  5. Wow! 11 quarts is a lot of pickles! I am so behind this year. I hope to get more cucumbers this weekend and make lots more.

    Thanks so much for your comment Lisa! I am so glad you have had success with making them at that your family and friends like them too!

  6. These look really good. I usually can garlic dill spears, but would love to try the slices.

  7. I did my pickles, but I love the way the sliced one look! Don't you just love looking at how pretty the canning jars are . . .
