
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hot Off The Press!

Burlap Book
It’s official,    I’m published!!   After waiting a few months to see the final booklet that was going to feature my  Burlap Numbered Placemats, it showed up in my mailbox yesterday.     What a Happy Surprise!   My placemats can be seen peeking out on the bottom in this photo underneath some of the other projects on the cover of  Taunton Press’s new publication called Beautiful Burlap. 

Burlap book Page 14
And they are featured on page 14 of this delightful publication. : ))))

          Burlap Book My Name     IMG_5558
And in case you missed it …. my
name in lights!!  And I was also very happy to see that they gave a shout out to my friends at Maison de Stencils.  I couldn’t have done it without them  They are my favorite source for  stencils including the number stencils I used for this project. 

Now I am off to see if I can find it at my local Hobby Lobby.   You can also order it online here directly from the publisher Taunton Press or here  from Michael’s.
Enjoy your last shopping weekend before the Christmas holiday!  Oh the pressure!!
I would love to hear if you see this booklet in your travels…please let me know!
Thanks to all of you who read my blog and here’s to wishing  you and  your friends and families a very Merry Christmas!!

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