
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Little Free Libraries

I have to say I was charmed the first time I saw one of these Little Free Libraries. 

Charleston, SC Little Library

I didn’t really know what I was seeing but it was pretty easy to figure out and intrigued me enough when I spotted my first one one a recent Girl’s Weekend to Charleston, South Carolina that when I got home from my trip, I dug around online to learn more about them.

Charleston, Jogger

Charleston, SC is a delightful city.  We took the horse drawn carriage tour into some of it’s neighborhood’s and my camera was in overdrive.  So as we were moving our way up this street, I snapped this shot thinking to myself that if I lived here of course I would be jogging too! And then that little box just past that lucky runner who I was imagining to be myself caught my eye. 

There was what at first looked like an elaborate bird feeder to me but to my surprise it was filled with books.  I have a soft spot for libraries.  I loved to visit them when I was growing up and worked in one when I was in college.  Still love to visit and browse in a library.

The box I spotted had a little sign on it and I snapped the photo so I could investigate when I got home.  The boxes are called Little Free Libraries and they are springing up all over the country and all around the world.  The premise is a simple one.  “Take A Book, Return A Book”.  Making books available right there in one’s own neighborhood.

Check out this cute video that explains how it works.

Little Free Library 2     Little Free Library

  And the creativity!!  Just look at how adorable some of these Little Libraries are.   And what a great way to recycle an old newspaper box.

Little Free Library Book Roof      Little FreeLibrary 3     Little Library

Love the book roof on this first one.

Little Free Libray Mushrom

And oh my, I love little red mushrooms.  What a cute idea for a book box. 

Have you spotted one in your neighborhood?