
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hillsdale Farmer’s Market

Hillsdale Farmer's Market

Today I stopped by the Hillsdale Farmer’s Market after getting a call from Ellen who sells flowers there each Saturday. It seems the weather had seriously interfered with people stopping to shop today. It’s a damp and chilly day with that kind of fine misty drizzle. A good day for staying indoors and watching huge amounts of college football which is the only thing on our agenda today! Anyway, Ellen called me to say she had extra flower arrangements and she wanted me to have one for free! How kind is that? So, I stopped by and she gave me another beautiful bouquet of flowers grown in one of her many gardens.

Ellen's Flowers September09

Ellen's Flowers September 09 2

I almost forgot that I also bought two bags of Spring bulbs from Ellen too that were freshly dug from her garden. I got a bag of yellow Bearded Iris’ and a bag of orange Crocosmia. I was not familiar with the Crocosmia but Ellen showed me a photo and I am going to give them a try. Both need full sun and I have a spot with plenty of that!

Lucky for all the vendors today that the Hillsdale Brick Store has a big wrap around covered porch so they were all able to set up their tables on the porch and stay dry. The table next to Ellen’s Flowers had freshly baked pies made by Dawn Terrell from Sweet As Pie. I was able to sample her Chocolate Pie which I decided to buy and take home with me and she had a beautiful and unbelievably delicious Pecan Pie which I really wanted to buy but my husband is still not feeling well and my son doesn’t like nuts. I need a Pecan Pie sitting in my house like a need a hole in my head! But that Pecan Pie sure looked good and I will think about getting one of them next time I need a dessert for a party and there is somebody else in my house to help eat it. So I opted for the Chocolate because I knew my son would help finish it off and it is tastee! Next week she said she would have some Apple Pies available. Hmmmmm .


Pie 2

So if you live near me and you are interested in Contact information for either Ellen and her flowers or you need a delicious pie from Dawn at Sweet As Pie, leave me a comment and I will e-mail you their information. So now if you will excuse me, it is back to football…we are flipping back and forth between the Carolina game and the Michigan game. Go Heels! and Go Blue!


  1. Lovely flowers for a dreary day! The chocolate pie looks delish! I'm sure you are enjoying it on this rainy day!! Blessings blog friend.

  2. When I come to visit, feel free to get the pecan pie--I will DEFINITELY help you eat it! LOL! Especially if you have whipped cream! :)
