
Friday, September 25, 2009

Mini Gala Apples

The apples are starting to come in to the markets here…they have pretty much moved out their off season stock and now they are replacing them with the new crisp and fresh apples that I love this time of year. Nothing worse than biting into a mealy past it’s prime apple. Not anymore! I found these mini Gala Apples today and had to eat one in the car on the way home. Really good. I just took a picture of them because they were so darn cute. They might not look “mini” in the photo but they are. Almost too cute to eat…almost!

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I am trying out a new program to give me more flexibility in writing my blog posts and for adding photos and being able to enhance them. The program is Windows Live Writer and I have no idea what I am doing but I figure I can wing it and eventually I’ll figure it out! It comes highly recommended by Rhoda at Southern Hospitality who is always so generous with her ideas and advice. So Thanks to her.

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I guess you can consider this a “Test Posting”. If you are reading this and seeing photos of my mini apples we can consider the test a success! Thanks for being my lab rats!


  1. Galas are truly one of my favorites, but I've never seen minis! How adorable!!

  2. It worked--beautiful pics!

  3. I LOVE the wonderful seasonal apples. I baked our favorite apple muffins to enjoy with coffee this morning!

    Your pictures are lovely :)


  4. I wanted to let you know that the counters are done both ways. I did a post in the spring called "Concrete" and that top was poured in the barn and brought in finished, no mess...
