
Thursday, June 17, 2010

1st Apartment

Kelsey's Apartment Bedroom 011

Our daughter starts her summer session of classes today…well, I should say summer session of “class” since she is only taking one but it is an important one since it is a prerequisite for any of the the other classes she takes for her major in Communications.    The apartment/townhouse she and three of her other friends have leased came with a full year contract so even though the plans were for her to come home for the summer, once we realized she would be paying rent anyway…and the rents for anything in Chapel Hill, NC are outrageous…that’s just this Mom’s opinion….we decided the best plan was for her to at least take a class and live there since we were paying for it anyway.  It is all starting to fall into place.  She has a part time job there and now with her class officially starting she is keeping very busy and having lots of fun while she is there.  Her other room mates are all doing pretty much the same thing. 

Kelsey's Apartment Bedroom 012    Kelsey's Apartment Bedroom 001

So I haven’t had much time for blogging because I am either working…it’s a busy time in the cheese caves…or I am driving back and forth to Chapel Hill getting our daughter moved in.  Moving in is not just a one day activity.  No it’s been happening for weeks!  I took these picture of  her her new bed.  It’s a shame the landlord won’t let them paint the walls and really they aren’t supposed to hang things on the walls either.  It’s looking a bit bland.  So these photos are to help inspire me to try and come up with some ideas on what I can make to hang on her walls.  I’ll be needing to get my hands on some 3M Wall Sticky Wall Hooks that are not supposed to damage the walls.  I have never used these before.  Has anybody else used them with any success???

 Kelsey's Apartment Bedroom 003   Kelsey's Apartment Bedroom 007

Here is the desk I so loving worked on.  Heaped with stuff.  And this next photo is to remind me that the girl needs a dust ruffle in a bad way!  I need to hurry and get that taken care of.  Not attractive!  :) 

My next visit I’ll be sure to take some more photos of the rest of her place.  It’s a work in progress but she and her friends LOVE it!   Do you remember your first place?


  1. Great bedding and pillows. Clutter and all, the desk looks great! This is a really exciting time in her life, I'll bet a little sad for you in some ways.

  2. It looks like you are doing a great job helping to make your daughter's 1st apartment comfortable and attractive. I was told that the 3M hooks do work and won't damage the walls if you take them down slowly when finished with them. As far as color on the walls, I have seen big canvases painted various colors and hung on the walls. They add a big pop of color and then can be quickly taken down when she is ready to move.
    My first "real" place was my one bedroom apartment in Cleveland that I moved into right after college. I moved from Kansas to Ohio and all my possessions fit in a car...I didn't have any furniture, TV, etc. and had to buy that little by little as the first paychecks came in. Life seemed a little simpler then!

  3. I DO remember my first place.. ooh, scary when I think back on that. Not sure why landlords always choose white for the walls... they could at least go with a warm tan color for heaven sakes.

    You could use some of those vinyl letters or graphics that just stick to the wall without damaging it.

  4. Also, some inexpensive risers for the bed to raise it up and then purchase an extra long bedskirt... she can hide LOTS of things under the bed that way!


  5. Love her colorful bedding, Lisa! My first place was after I was married and even then it was after a year {we lived with the in-laws for a year}. I've used the 3M hooks and I've had no problems with them. They may even have other stuff you can use ~ I saw a display in the frame area at Michaels with all of the 3M hooks and stuff {on an end cap}.

  6. The 3M hooks work great. I clean the surface with a bit of rubbing alcohol beforehand and then let it dry really well before I put them on. They come off clean.

    I think this is the first time I am posting a comment but I've been visiting for about a month. Book Club Girl or someone else from Harper Collins mentioned your blog on Facebook once.

  7. Wow, she moves like we do! We closed on our house in March and finished moving the following July! My first place I moved into the day of my 18th birthday. I loved it. Hated my roommate though. Well after I lived with her for a month that is. Loved her before. She was my first and last roommate.

  8. I used those 3M hooks in all my college dorm rooms (where the walls are cement blocks), but once I got an apartment on campus I started using regular small nails (shhhh! Don't tell!). They're cheaper and tend to hold stuff up better. The 3M stuff works - but I've had them fall off occasionally. But I also didn't clean the wall with alcohol before applying, either. :)

    She's gonna love her new place! It's such an exciting time. :)


  9. I've never commented on your blog before, but love visiting now and again. My youngest daughter is moving out to live ALL ALONE. I'm excited for her, but nervous as well. I do know that 3M hooks are great, and we will be using a lot of them in her place. Best of luck!

  10. She chose not to live on campus her freshman year? How sad to lose out on the freshman experience on campus at Carolina!

  11. Oh goodness I remeber when Tabitha had her apartment her first year at school and I am like you if I got to pay for it the whole year she could just stay there and live...she did the same also. Now she is starting in the Fall her program for Nurse Practioneer.

    Yep Mom a dust ruffle will be cute but as my daughter would say no need Mom. lol

    Oh I have used those hooks in my bathroom walls for my robes and stuff and have actually moved mine a couple of times and no wear on the great.

  12. Oh Lisa, that desk piled high with stuff mad me sad:( Just for you, not for her. She is a teen and probably a little messy. You worked so hard on it but it looks great in her apartment.

    I have been out of town for about 10 days and I am trying to catch up on my blog reading.

    Hope you have a great weekend.
