
Friday, June 18, 2010

The Sun Room

  Sun Room 2 003

This is my favorite room in the house.  It’s the Sun Room. 

Sun Room 2 008

It is always bright, cheerful, and filled with light. 

Sun Room 2 010

I especially love all the light in the morning. 

 Sun Room 2 009

It even feels “sunny” on the days it doesn’t shine. :)

Sun Room 2 006

Yesterday, I decided to move some furniture.  The Small green table I found earlier this year was in my kitchen.  But I thought I would try it in the Sun Room today.  I think I like it here better!

Sun Room 2 015

The lamp looked great in the kitchen but not so much now in the Sun Room.  I’ll be keeping my eye out for a new lamp.

  Sun Room 2 005

I was also thinking of re-painting this room.  Right now it is a sage green.  But I kind of like it again.  Believe me , there are plenty of other rooms to paint.  I am moving this one to the bottom of the list for right now. 

Sun Room 2 007  

We have big plans for the weekend which is nice.  Our friends host a golf tournament each year and pick a different charity to give the raised money to.  In the past, money has been raised for Alzheimer’s, ALS, The Heart Association, and this year the charity is a local one called Red Dog Farm which is an animal rescue organization here in Greensboro.  The weekend will kick off tonight with a party and then the golfing will take place tomorrow.   I have opted not to golf tomorrow but my husband will be golfing.  Let’s hope the daily thunderstorms we have been having hold off for tonight and tomorrow! 

Enjoy your weekend!!


  1. I love your sunroom. Mine is my favorite room to. It is where I go to get away and relax. I would love to visit Greensboro again. It has been many years. Such fond memories when all my relatives lived there. My home town. Have a super weekend.

  2. I love this room! Beautiful. The sun and shadows, in the photo are beautiful, too.

    Happy Weekend!

  3. Love your sunroom...I hope to have one for me one day...I love sitting out in the early morning with lots of sun peaking the table in ther also.

  4. I'll join you for a glass of sweet tea on the sun porch.
    Come join the linky party... this is a friday's favorite!

  5. I love your sun room, I wish I had one in my house, I think I'd be in there every day too, especially for morning coffee. I would imagine it's just as cozy when the sun isn't shining and the rain is falling on the windows :) I love the color too and wouldn't change it for a while ;)

  6. Love this room and wish we had a sun room too! I think I could totally live in your sun room.

    Off to visit the Red Dog Farm.


  7. I could live in that sunroom. Your pictures are gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

  8. What a nice big room, too, Lisa! I love your view to the outside ~ is that your back yard? The table does look good there. Was that where you had a chair at one time?

  9. I love the plaid furniture... I'm actually looking for something like that... do you know the brand :)

    ~ Traci

  10. Thanks for all the compliment on my Sun Room today!!
    Traci....We bought the plaid set about 12 years ago from a small show room in High Point, NC. Sorry...I can't find any tags on it either. But I will say it is the most comfortable set ever! It's starting to show wear and tear and needs to be cleaned but I just can't part with it! Thanks.

  11. Oh I love all of the light! This is a lovely room...I can see why it's your favorite! I wish I had a sunroom...I keep all of my shutters and window treatments open all of the time...I can't stand rooms without natural light!

    Your table looks perfect in it!


  12. Thanks for taking time to look for the tags. :) Small world - I'm in Winston Salem! Hopefully, I will get lucky & find a similar cute, comfy set! ~ Traci

  13. I hope that if we move, I will find a house with a sun room. I love them. I could see myself reading in there, blogging, and just enjoying the sunshine.

    Your room is lovely. You have it so nicely decorated with all your plants. Very pretty.

  14. I just love your your furniture, love your paint all looks great!

  15. What a beautiful sun room! I would love to be a visitor! Patsy from

  16. What a beautiful room- it is reminiscent of the gorgeous conservatories I see in England...

  17. I can certainly see why this is your favorite room. The room is fabulous!
    Thanks for visiting today !

  18. Ooo, Lisa! I just love that room! The windows are fabulous, as is the way you've decorated the space. I must have looked at each picture half a dozen times taking in all the great little vignettes you've created in the room.

    I can see why it's on of your fave rooms in your home!
