
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Look What I Won!


I about fell off my chair when I browsing in the Google Reader of my favorite blogs and there it was.  My name was posted on Layla’s The Lettered Cottage as  the winner of her Address Plaque Giveaway!  Layla’s blog is huge.  It’s beautiful.  It’s inspired and it’s very popular.  She and her husband Kevin are in the process of transforming their house  and their amazing progress is highlighted on their blog.  It’s what I would love my blog to look like when it grows up.  :)   There were 871 entries for this giveaway and the number 104 was picked and that was me!!

The company that makes these beautiful custom made signs is called Ramsign and it is located in Denmark.  Take a minute and browse their website to see some samples of the variety of signs and address plaques they offer.  My prize is worth $249.00.  And if you visit Layla at The Lettered Cottage, she has a coupon available where you can get $50.00 off if you order before the end of June. 

“These splendid address plaques offer good visibility from the road, yet the design is clearly “old world”.”  Here are some more examples.  And if you visit their website, click on the headers at the top of the page to see other signs and nameplates that are available too.

Enameled Address Plaque
Enameled Address Plaque
Enameled Address Plaque

Not sure which design to pick.  Decisions…Decisions.  :)  Such a fabulous problem to have!!

Thank you Layla and Thank you Ramsign!


  1. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. I bet you were doing the blogger's happy dance!

  2. Wow, congrats! That is an awesome giveaway ~I will check out her blog for sure. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo

  3. VERY fabulous that you won... Congratulations to you!


  4. Congrats on a great win! I do love her blog, too!!

  5. Congratulations!! How exciting!!!!

  6. Ha! What a perfect win for you! I'll bet it's going to be tough to pick one. Congratulations!

  7. Wow Congrats! That is one hefty prize!

  8. Hi Lisa,

    I live close to you but can't get an email out to you. I just found your blog and love it. Would love to chat sometime.


  9. Congrats to you! I use to read their blog but I don't anymore. Today I headed over their and saw the giveaway but didn't look at the name. How funny that I happen to check the blog when you win a giveaway. Good for you!

  10. Wow! You lucky gal! Thanks for stopping by. It's nice to meet you too and I'll be coming on back to read some more. :)

  11. You lucky dog! I'm partial to the second one.
