
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Really Makes You Happy?


I started reading a delightful book today called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It chronicles the year in which the author documents her efforts to discover what really makes her happy. She thoroughly researched the topic of happiness and set happiness goals for her self that she deliberately put into action and then documented her resulting happiness levels. She also includes all the little bits of wisdom she learned along the way and I have to say that I found lots of wisdom here. The book breaks down her happiness quest month by month and encourages the reader to set about creating their own “Happiness Project” by encouraging each person to think about what uniquely makes them happy. I am so enjoying reading this and it has me thinking…

I feel as though I have been in the middle of my own happiness project without really knowing it. Last year I started this blog. It really does bring me much happiness! It lets me create and document things I am interested in and gives me a place to talk about them. And the best part I’ve learned is that there are a lot of other people out there that are interested in some of the same things I am.

I am trying to be more thoughtful about how I spend my time and trying to make sure that I am spending it in ways that truly make me happy. I’ve made a lot of changes. Some might be quick to say that I am having a midlife crisis. I don’t think so. It’s true that my kids are older and don’t need me as much but you know what…My kids are older and don’t need me as much!! I feel like so many doors are starting to open up because the things that use to occupy all my time and energy are no longer consuming me! This is a great time!

I am about half way through the book and my book reading has been diverted temporarily because I discovered that Gretchen Rubin also has a blog which is also called The Happiness Project. Yes! Another blog to add to my long list of favorites. :) So I am jumping back and forth between the two.

So how about you? Have you made any changes lately that have brought more happiness into your life? I’d love to hear about them. :)


  1. your blog is one of the things that makes me happy....joining w.w.r's and loosing 18 pds so far,truly enjoying my job(teaching preschool) and finding beauty in the little things are some of the chnges i've made in recent months...sound like a great book, i am going to pick one up, thanks for the info and for your beautiful blog! -stacy

  2. Lisa, I am definitely going to read this. I love your attitude about the kids growing up. Our nest will be empty for the first time in 4 weeks. Instead of being really excited, I will admit that I've kind of been mourning. Time to get a new attitude!

  3. Funny how so many of us have turned to the blogging world in an effort to make sense of our lives. I've been on the same journey myself this past year. The book that helped me the most was Living Wabi Sabi, by Taro Gold. But I think I'll check out Happiness Project too! Thanks!

  4. Shana @ Fumbling Towards Normalcy read this book last winter and found SO many nuggets of wisdom that she could apply to her own life. And she'll be the first to say, she really is a happier person now. I think that we spend so much time devoted to whatever the next thing is, that we forget the present moment and that's where the most happiness can be found. When your kids are out of the house, you suddenly don't have to worry about tomorrow's soccer game or the field trip next week and you just have YOU in the present moment. It destroys some people and some find it a blessed opportunity to discover more about themselves. Kudos to you for taking the second path! I look forward to more revelations while you're on this journey!

  5. I have read about her in People Magazine. I have it on my list on Amazon. She was also writing a monthly column in Family Circle or Woman's Day. I can't remember which one. I am in the same boat as you....son doesn't need me as much so it is a nice feeling to have a little more free time. I will check out her blog. How do you like the book?
