
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Burlap Wine Bags

   Burlap Wine Bag and mini lamp 050

I finished a wine bag today. I guess you could call it a prototype.  I like how it turned out and now I’d like to make several more.

I just have to go back and figure out what exactly I did.   I am not sure of the measurements I used. 

Burlap Wine Bag and mini lamp 036

I am not sure if I should stencil something on it either.  I think I’ll make another one and stencil it and then see which one I like better.  What do you think?  Plain or stenciled?

I think I hear my number stencils calling my name…   :)


  1. Very cute wine bag. I like this idea a lot. I think a stencil would look great on it. You do have some wonderful number stencils....just sayin!
    Post the pic of the stenciled one too. I would love to see it.

  2. I think it calls for a monogrammed initial.

  3. I like it! And i think it's begging for a stencil... :)

  4. I had a picture on my blog of one that is stenciled and it's lovely... I think it was from an Etsy shop! xo

  5. I'd like to see it stenciled ;-)

  6. Love this ~ the addition of a monogram as suggested would be lovely.

    Can I steal your idea?


  7. Yes... I'd try to find the perfect stencil and jazz it up... But it's Cute!!

  8. Cute's begging for a monogram!!!


  9. How about making a few as gifts and stenciling the recipient's initial?

  10. What a fun blog -- I noticed your name when I visited Red Ticking. I love your "about me" -- I wish I could have figured out how to be as precise!

    This weekend I will start my halloween decor -- thanks for the inspiration.

    I think the wine bags need stencils -- what about doing the names of some the the great french wineries?

  11. I think a Monogram or a pumpkin for a pretty, fall hostess gift!

  12. Mmm, think you've been reading my mind, Lisa! I've been thinking about making these for a while now ~ gotta dust off the ole sewing machine first ;o)

    It turned out super-cute! I'm think a lit'l bit of stenciling would be like the icing on cake.

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. They are gorgeous and I would ABSOLUTELY stencil on it !!!!

  14. I would love to see it stenciled. Great idea...thanks for sharing.
    BTW..I''m sure you already told us, but where did you get your number stencil? I love the font used. Thank you for the info.
