
Monday, September 27, 2010

Front Porches Decorated for Halloween


I love the look of this front porch all decorated for Halloween. Traditional. Corn stalks which I find are very hard to find here in NC. I used to decorate my front porch with them every year when we lived in Ohio. The mums in the apples bushels look great here. And of course lots of pumpkins. I have to keep my real pumpkins on the ground under a tree. Otherwise, they get too hot and they “cook” on the bricks of my front porch.


Here is a shot from the Pottery Barn catalog from last year.


And this shot is from my new catalog that just arrived.


I love the look going on here too.


I don’t really decorate to scare. You know, blood and guts, monsters, skeletons and all that, unless I am having a party. How about you?

I pretty much stick to the basics like you see here. Lot’s of pumpkins and candles, mums, and I would still love to get my hands on some corn stalks.

I will probably wait till October 1st before I put my big pumpkins on the front porch. But inside the house I have already gotten started. I don’t want the neighbors to think I am rushing anything. :)

And you can click here to see my latest post with more Halloween decorating ideas called Fall Pumpkins and Porches.


  1. Such pretty pictures.I'm with you Lisa, I prefer that my porch look pretty rather than scary. I put out a few "scary" things on Halloween day but they come down on November 1.

  2. Love all the pics, it's 57 degrees here this morning, I think I can finally put my pumpkins out without fear of them shriveling up in the heat!
    Have a great Monday.
    Hugs Denise

  3. I love the inspiration. I have started a little decorating inside and will hopefully get to the porch this week!

  4. Such gorgeous photos!! I don't do scary either just pumpkins and mums usually. It is cooler here this morning and we have been in the upper 90's until yesterday...really hot!

    Thank you for the inspiration...I am now officially ready for fall!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. It's nice and cool here in SC this morning, but I know the heat is not gone for good! I am going to start my inside decorating for fall and at the end of the week, I will be ready for the porch.
    I love the first pic you showed, maybe I can "copy" that look.
    Here, our local produce stands carry the cornstalks, and the farms where you can pick your own stuff always have them, too. Maybe you can find some this year:)

  6. Great inspirational pictures! We have so much going on that I think we might be a little boring this it is fun looking at these photo's!!
    Have fun decorating for fall :)

  7. I have never really given much love to my front porch when decorating for Halloween, but I think you have inspired me! I know you said the stalks are hard to find. Anywhere in particular that you think would be a good place to try?

  8. I haven't done anything in a long time since I have been moving so much. I like the traditional look the most. Love all the pictures of the porches.
