
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Big Snow

Christmas Snow 2010 003

It has been 60 years since it has snowed this much here in Greensboro, NC on Christmas.  It’s a record breaker!  And yes, those are my Christmas pumpkins you see under the tree.  It’s a running joke.  My neighbor has a set too.   :)    My friend Melanie over at Southern Comfort in a Northern Life asked me if they were stenciled when I posted this photo on Facebook earlier today.  :)


  1. Your winter wonderland is beautiful! My son couldn't wait to head north for some skiing. I guess he could have just stayed in NC :)

    Stay cozy ~

  2. Greensboro is where I am from and then we moved, but we went back several times at Christmas to visit my grand parents and I remember waking up to snow on Christmas and one year it was a foot that fell and I went out and played in it in my snow suit. Hmmm, I'm 55 and remember it well. Beautiful pics.

  3. :) Okay, I had to tell Gary the story because I was laughing so hard!

  4. Even here where my parents live today we had a very big snow!!! hugs, Flavia

  5. And, are they? ; ) I wish you would have kept the snow there, Lisa! We have a blizzard here; they say up to 18 inches.

  6. I've been seeing the snowfall pics on TWC down there (and in Charlotte where Son goes to school) all day. It's beautiful isn't it??!!!! Started snowing up here in Delaware around noon. Expecting possibly up to 12 inches. WooHoo! I love snow! :o)

    I still have my pumpkins, too! ;o)

  7. The photo is beautiful. Just what a winter scene should look like. We here in New England are in the middle of a terrific nor'easter. The wind is whipping the snow into drifts and swirls. The wreaths on the outside windows of the house are scratching the windows. I can't help myself, I LOVE IT!!!

  8. Wow-it’s beautiful. What a wonderful Christmas present for sure :) Love the pumpkins too.

  9. Looks as though you may have gotten as much or even a bit more than we did here in Roanoke. You sidewalk is clear so I am assuming you do own a shovel. hee hee. Always good to be prepared.

