
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stenciled Gift Bags

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Have you ever had one of those weeks where nothing goes as planned and it’s one unexpected thing after another?  And it’s only Wednesday!  Nothing terrible, just lots of surprises.  Today was one.  Our son needed to have his wisdom teeth  taken out and on Monday we had a consultation appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  There was an opening today which was 2 days later and we took it.  He looks a bit ragged, a bit chipmunk-y, and when he was waking up in the recovery room he got a case of the giggles.  So funny…where was my camera then?! :)

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Anyway, he’s on the couch sleeping now and I am trying to get some last minute Christmas stuff done.  Can’t go shopping today so I stayed in and finished stenciling some gift bags.  These were done with the same stencil that I used on my Hand Stenciled Towels and my Hand Stenciled Christmas Napkins. 

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I found the stencil at Maison de Stencils and you can buy the brown paper gift bags with the handles at Michaels or any craft store very inexpensively  Pick up some tissue paper while you are there and you are ready to go.    Tick, Tick, Tick…….the Christmas countdown is dwindling.  Doing my best here but I already know it’s not all going to get done.  And I am almost okay with that.   How about you?  Ready?


  1. Yes, I know the feeling, Lisa! I've been looking for my Christmas tablecloth for two days now and I'm sure it's in the shed packed in boxes that we had ready to go when we thought we were moving a year ago. It's too dark to go out there at night and so I have to hope I get home early enough on Friday to run out there, find it, and then wash it. I stopped at Marshalls after work tonight and it was so ridiculous. I'm even starting to think of what fabric I have here that would make do.

    Hope your son feels better. I remember having my wisdom teeth pulled {1 at a time over 5 years}. I was a little light-headed when I first got up, so just be near by, especially if he's on a pain killer. Oh, and the bags look great! : )

  2. Your stenciled gift bags are adorable. I will save this cute idea for the future because I don't think I can pull it together this close to Christmas. Ironically I just found out today that my son has to have his wisdom teeth pulled. Our consult is in January. Merry Christmas!!

  3. Boy do I love those bags. Next year I am going to get a jump on making these bags. So classy!!!

  4. My daughter called yesterday at 4:30 and asked if she, her husband, my three granddaughters and two pooches could come a day early from Alabama. Of course, I said yes! (Especially since they can only stay until Sunday.) Letting the few things go that I haven't finished doing is well worth an extra day with them. I'm hoping that an "after Christmas" card will suffice this year for family and friends. They're all here now, and I'm happy! Hope your son feels better and that you all have a wonderful holiday! Annie

  5. Love those bags. Hope your little man is feeling better. I remember that surgery- ouch.
    Have a great holiday season.

  6. Absolutely adorable! You know, each year I think that I will make some of these adorable Christmas projects in the summer...when it's 100 degrees outside. I never do! Help us remember when that time comes that there are cute stenciling projects to do. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  7. I want to try those you use one of the stiffer stencil brushes for the paint?

  8. Those are so cute Lisa! Oh yes, one of those weeks here too...take heart, New Years is coming!
    Merry Christmas Lisa!

  9. Let's hope that your holiday much smoother than the past few days.

    (BTW, love the pickle ornament-I bought my son the same one a few years ago.)

  10. Wow! You just keep on working! The bags look so smart and classy! I tried to stencil some one year but they just didn't have "the look" - I gave them to Goodwill. Happy Holidays and put your feet up at least once and enjoy! Maybe you and Oakley can look at my dog post! Hugs, Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  11. Merry Christmas Lisa! You won our drawing for the restaurant readers!! I can't wait to send them to you! Will you let me know what strength you need (if you don't wear them much maybe 1.50?) and your address? You can reach me at Congratulations!

  12. Love the bags Lisa! I wish I had time to do some this year! I finished my shopping last night...I think...maybe....okay I still gotta get a couple more things! lol

    Hope your son is feeling better and the swelling goes down pronto!!

    Merry Christmas!

    Lou Cinda

  13. Hope the boy is feeling better. Have a great Christmas!

  14. Just wanted to drop by and wish you and your family the bestest Christmas ever, Lisa! It's been a real treat getting to know you through blogging.

    Hope your son's feeling better from his surgery.

    Have a great day with your family!

  15. I wish you a very merry Christmas with your family and friends...hugs and kisses, Flavia
