
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil

Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil 009

God Bless Souffer’s and their Lasagna!    That is what we are having for dinner tonight.  Quick and easy and now that school has started, everyone is suddenly starving when they get home from school and work.  Tonight we are having lasagna and Caesar Salad.  And I also picked up a French baguette and mixed up a dish of Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil.    Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil 013

Lot’s of restaurants serve a dipping oil in place of butter with their bread.  It’s easy to do at home and while I like my butter, this is a very delicious and healthier way to go.

Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil

Olive Oil, approximately 1/4 to 1/3 cup

1 to 2 cloves of garlic, pressed

Dried Basil, a pinch

Dried Oregano, a pinch

Dried Red Pepper Flakes, a couple of shakes

Salt and Pepper, a couple of shakes of each

Pour the olive oil onto a small serving plate.  I like to use a salad sized plate.  Press the garlic and stir it into the olive oil.  Add the “pinches” and “shakes” of the basil, oregano, salt and pepper.  (Scientific I know.)  :)

Stir all ingredients in the dish so they are evenly distributed.  Serve with fresh, sliced French or Italian Bread. 

Garlic and Herb Dipping Oil 010

Then dip away.  Careful, you’ll be tempted to eat more than you should but don’t do it!  There’s salad and lasagna still to go.


  1. This is making me hungry for a late afternoon snack, sounds mighty good!! Thanks for the recipe, sounds simple enough and like the kind of food I love to have around, enjoy dinner!

  2. Looks wonderful! We love dipping Italian bread. :-)

  3. The hardest thing is the tempation not to over-induldge in garlic & herb dip. It really is good.

  4. Dinner time as I am reading this. I am almost drooling over the recipe. Thanks. I am definitely going to enjoy this.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  5. Oh my that looks yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh, I'm wanting that now! That sounds like a perfect recipe for dipping! Thanks for sharing! Happy I found your blog via Savvy Southern Style, Kim is a sweetie!


  7. yum, that looks good the bread looks nice also.

  8. That looks delicious, Lisa. I've had olive oil served on a small plate with hot bread, sometimes with pepper added, but yours looks tastier.

  9. Hello Lisa,

    I visited a wonderful restaurant in Little Italy, NYC one time and the waiter refused to serve us butter with our bread. Ha said the only true way to enjoy good italian bread was with olive oil. Now that's what I always serve...fabulous!

    This recipe looks so yummy

    janet xox
